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Results 31-40 from 1,363 articles

Puppy Questions--Do You Use a Harness?

O.L. asks from Los Angeles

We have an 11-month old, active puppy. She is on the smaller side and wears a harness (not a collar). She wears it 24-7. We use it for walking, of course. And sometim...


New Puppy - Parvo! What to Do

J.S. asks from Dallas

Hey moms, we finally got a puppy that our kids have been asking for. We adopted from humane society. Well we got her Monday night and last night (Wed) she was dia...


New Puppy Stress

A.D. asks from Minneapolis

Hi Moms, This is my first question. We have a new 3 month old puppy. I've never had a dog, never been comfortable around them, never wanted the responsibility of havi...


Need Help with Training Puppy !!

N.R. asks from Dallas

I have a 7 month old puppy (blue heeler/rotweiler) that I am having a heck of a time potty training and making him stop jumping on us when we come in the house, also,...


Puppy Has Demodectic Mange

L.L. asks from Orlando

Hi, So my poor puppy has this type of mange in his ear. Apparently he contracted it from his mother as a young puppy. He is 7 months now. I've been treating him for ...


New Puppy, New Problems

S.E. asks from New York

so as an early 1st birthday present we got my daughter a puppy last sunday (a white boxer) Now I thought I was 100% totally prepared, considering our last dog, my yel...


Crate Training Puppy

T.A. asks from Portland

Hello ladies, So just recently we decided to get a new addition for our family of four. Now we have a 8 week old Boxer puppy, and I am in the process of training h...


Another Puppy Question

L.L. asks from Orlando

Hello - I asked a question last week about my puppy. Now I have another one! :-) Ok, so he goes into his crate before I leave for work in the morning, no problem. Whe...


Puppy Kisses; Love Them? Tolerate Them? Forbid Them?

J.X. asks from Los Angeles

I have two sisters- in- law. The older one with grown kids just got a puppy. She has the biggest house so most family functions happen there. My other sister-in-l...


Im Looking to Find My Puppy a New Home

J.H. asks from Dallas

hi mom's im looking to find my daughter's puppy a new home we dont have the time for a puppy she is all into her schooling and really did not need a dog,do yall know ...

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Answer Highlights

  • demodectic mange in 4 answers "I have worked with several demodectic mange dogs and both of these treatments are ..."
  • contact the humane society in 2 answers "... Texas and even occurs with puppies from breeders. Contact the humane society ..."
  • puppies are just like babies in 2 answers "Puppies are just like babies. limit his nightime water ie NO water after 8pm then ..."
  • from the humane society in 2 answers "Jodi, When you adopt from the Humane Society, the dogs are examined medically, all ..."
  • they will learn to hold in 2 answers "They do not like to pee where they sleep - so they will learn to hold it."