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Results 31-40 from 359 articles

Need Good Workout Music

D.B. asks from New York

Where can I find free download music for my ipod. Need something up tempo for my workouts. Thanks!


Gifts for Tween Boys?

S.M. asks from Roanoke

I need gift ideas for an 11 year old boy and a 13 year old boy. Money is kind of tight so we can't spend a lot. They act like toys and books are for babies, but are n...


My Coke Rewards

T.L. asks from St. Louis

Do you do it? Can anyone tell me what the Wed. special is this week? I can not seem to find it. I am saving up for free movei tickets and it would be awesome if ...


Progam to Create a Slideshow

L.S. asks from Sherman

My daughter will be two years old in a few weeks and I want to make a slideshow of pictures from the past two years to show at her birthday party. I used google and ...


Would like Review on the New Iphone, Blackberry Storm and Samsung Instinct

T.T. asks from Dallas

I am looking into geting in all in one phone, mp3 player, calendar, and email. I like the touch screen phones that are out but would like your reviews on if you ha...


Stuck in the Middle !!Help!!

R.M. asks from Denver

Here is the parents are rv'ers and come and go. This year they stayed as they had to work cuz the $$ ran out. They are 2 minutes away and pretty much take ca...


Download Music

A.T. asks from Dallas

Can anyone recommend a website I can download music for free or a reasonable price AND is safe? I have a bunch of songs I'd like to put on a cd. Thanks gals!


Question for iPod Users

B.W. asks from Chicago

I just bought a new iPod Nano and have no experience with one. Other than the Apple website, are there other places to download music? I am not looking for free dow...


Great Books on Tape? (Or Cd....)

A.A. asks from Chicago

Hey moms, My little girl has given up naptime....woe is me! She is great at just having a quiet time though where she stays in her room and plays quietly (with pon...


Can You Please Explain the iPod Touch to Me?

M.H. asks from Las Vegas

Hi Moms, My 7 y/o son is begging me for an iPod Touch. I am finally going to buy him one, but I don't fully understand how it works. For example, I know it comes...

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Answer Highlights

  • amazon has a free song section in 2 answers "Amazon has a free song section. EDIT: here is the link to Amazon's free music section ..."
  • windows movie maker in 2 answers "... computer which I think does something with roxeo and also a windows movie maker ..."
  • books on tape cd in 2 answers "The libraries here have a HUGE amount of books on tape/cd with the companion books."
  • your local library in 3 answers "You should try your local library too."
  • about dollars 160 month in 2 answers "... bill for two phones with internet, texting and 700 minutes is about $160/month."