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Good Formula for Gas

L.H. asks from Dallas

Trying to supplement breastfeeding my one month old with formula. The pediatrician recommended enfamil gentlease, but it seems to make her really gassy. Tried mylicon...


Powdered Vs. Liquid Formula

A.M. asks from Lakeland

Hi Everyone, I have a 3 month old baby who is having some feeding issues. From birth he has had acid reflux and he has been on medication for it for about a month...


Impurities in Parent's Choice Formula

E.B. asks from Sheboygan

We've have been using the Walmart brand "Parent's Choice" organic infant formula (powder form) for a couple months now. A few times now we've noticed some black or da...


My Son Possible Rash to Formula

T.B. asks from Dayton

I have a 1 month old and now has a rash on his cheeks. At first I thought it was from my daughter 2 yrs old that keeps touching and kissing his face, but now I'm won...


Formula Feeding & Postpartum Questions

G.K. asks from Salt Lake City

I just have a couple of questions. First of all this is my second child and I will be having a C-section with her this Thursday. The first one I had naturally, so thi...


Sam's Club Formula and Diapers

A.V. asks from Minneapolis

My mother in law and sister in law have a membership to sam's club and want to buy diapers from ther but i prefer Luvs and they said they do not sell them there they ...


Seeking Advice on Formula

J.D. asks from San Francisco

I have my 3 month old daughter on Nestle GoodStart Soy Formula. I started with the regular stuff, but her constapation was really bad. I got the okay to switch to the...


Switching Formula Brands...

L.D. asks from Houston

We have gotten free samples of formula from Enfamil and Similac. We decided to use Enfamil with our daughter, but I hate not to use the Similac. We cannot donate th...


Questions About Formula Supplementing

T.G. asks from Milwaukee

I am due to give birth in three weeks! YAY! I exclusively breastfed my other three children, which was great. But I want to supplement this little guy with formula. I...


Poll What Formula Is Best?

J.H. asks from San Francisco

I know that breastfeeding is best. It was my first choice - but I have had issues and it didn't work for us. I have had to feed my daughter formula and she is havin...

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