food hampers

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Results 71-80 from 112 articles

JFF: What Chore Do You Hate?

Y.G. asks from Miami

What chore do you hate the most? Mine- DEFINITELY putting away the laundry!!!!!!! Hate doing it! Only 3 people live in my house and I swear I do laundry 3 x's per we...


Help Me Become a Better Time Miser

C.M. asks from York

I was not sure what category to place this under, but I need some help. I have a 6, almost 7 year old princess; and a 2 and 1/2 year old train conductor. My house i...


Any Single or Married Moms Help Me

L.A. asks from Chicago

I have a 9 year old daughter who will not keep her room clean at all. Every time I go in her room she have popsicle paper, candy and cups all over her floor. Her cl...


Need Cleaning Tips

S.B. asks from Killeen

I'm a married mother of two active kids! A boy who's almost four and a daughter who's 15 months. Me and my husband both work full time and are just always exhausted! ...


I Need Advise on How to Keep a Clean House, and Sain Mind, & Not So Tired Body!

S.D. asks from Albuquerque

I'm a new first time mom. My daughter was born a month ago. I'm blessed on being able to stay home with her. I'm just in heaven being a stay at home mom. But, i'm str...


Oh Help! How Can I Get My House Ready to Sell When I Have KIDS!!

K.K. asks from Erie

We have alot of possessions, mostly due to very generous relatives. I've been trying really really hard to get rid of a bunch of stuff, but it seems like any progress...


Help Me Get More Organized

A.P. asks from Birmingham

Hi Ladies, New Stay at Home Mom here! I have been offficial for 1 month. I can not keep my house picked up now that we are all here during the day. My husband con...


How Can I Get My Kids to Appreciate the Non-materialistic Side of the Holidays?

S.A. asks from Chicago

I have three kids ages 12, 9 and 5. It's looking like Christmas is going to be on a really tight budget this year. I am already starting to feel down about it, espe...


In-Laws Giving Non-age Appropriate Gifts/bad Behavior

J.L. asks from Los Angeles

So where do I begin? My in-laws are clueless about kids. Last weekend we went to their house and my 3 year old was in my FIL "den" when I heard a jar of coins du...


My SO Wants Me to Work.

L.M. asks from Seattle

I am not sure if I'm really asking a question or just needing to vent, but here it goes. We have been together 4 and 1/2 yrs. We have five children between us full...

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