fluid in ears toddler

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Results 21-30 from 439 articles

Toddler Not Sleeping!

T.F. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be 2 yrs. old & for some reason in the last 2 wks, she's waking every night for hours or waking up at 4:00 a.m. for the day. Her appetite has certain...


Chronic Constipation in Toddler

L.S. asks from Seattle

Hello, My little boy has had problems with constipation since he began eating solids. At first it was something we found we could remedy by giving more water or usin...


Mucus in Toddler's Eyes

S.A. asks from Tampa

My toddler daughter had the usual cold, but this time she has pus coming out of her eyes. I do not think it's pinkeye, because the eyes itself are not red or inflame...


Ear Tubes for Toddler

H.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi there, I just posted a question about constipation earlier this week and got so many wonderful replies. Thank you! Now I'm here again, this time it's the other ...


Weird Toddler Thing or Symptom of Something Else?

B.E. asks from Jacksonville

My 2 year old has started trying to put things in her ears...things like ink pens or the ear piece on a pair of sunglasses. Is this just one of those weird things tod...


Toddler Not Talking

C.W. asks from San Antonio

Hi, I would appreciate any advice or suggestions that anyone may have, who has had or is having a similar experience as me. My 20 month old son isn't talking yet. H...


Toddler Doesn't Play with Peers. Teachers Concerned of ASD??

F.A. asks from Columbus

My 2 and 8 month old toddler has raised some concerns. She is very affectionate, smiles, makes eye contact, Imitates in play, has a small imagination, uses many wo...


Not Wanting Pacifier or Bottle as infant...now Having Speech Delay as Toddler?

B.P. asks from New York

My son is 24 months old and is being evaluated on Wednesday by EI for a speech delay. He communicates fine but so much of his verbal communication is hard to underst...


Hearing Test for Toddler?

F.F. asks from San Antonio

Hi, My son saw a Speech Language Pathologist yesterday because he's a late talker, and she suggested that we get his hearing tested just to rule out hearing trouble....


Seeking Advice Regarding Traveling on a Plane with My Toddler Son.

M.B. asks from Austin

HI to all moms and moms to be. I would like to seek some advice for anyone who had the experience of traveling with their toddler on a plane.I was given an opportunit...

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