flight status

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Have You Ever Flown with AirTran?

S.W. asks from Dallas

Have you ever flown on an AirTran flight? I'm looking at flights to Orlando and right now, they have some of the best prices I can find, but I'm a bit leery because ...


Seeking Advice on Benedryl for Flying

We started traveling with our son when he was 8 weeks old he is now 14months old and has platinum status on two major airlines. Our first flight I flew to ...

Traveling with a One Year Old by Myself, Help!

Don't forget to call the night before to check flight status & remind them that you're traveling w/an infant (check procedures & guidelines one last time ...

Traveling Overseas with a 20Mth Old ( HELP)

S.C. asks from Stationed Overseas

We will pcs-ing to Savannah in the next month from Germany My 20mth old (toddler) Hasnt flown since he was eight months old and I am scared how he will take the fligh...


First Airplane Trip

My 4 y.o. is a frequent flyer (silver elite status actually) and I have been .... I took a direct flight and I only had my double stroller and 2 small carry ...

Unaccompanied Minors Airplane Trip

T.R. asks from Cheyenne

Hello Ladies, I have finally given in to my sister-in-law and am letting my two daughters travel on a plane unaccompanied by an adult to her house. I know that I ca...


Should I Let My Son Fly Alone?

In the meantime, hubby and I knew the flight status, we got a "blank" boarding pass with our credentials which allowed us to go to the gate where daughter ...

Any Advice for Traveling with 8 Month Old?

T.S. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, My husband and I will be taking our 8 month old son on a plane trip next week to visit family. Any advice on how to make the trip go as smoothly as possi...


When Is the Last Date I Can Fly?

My doctor ok'd a flight for me when I was in my 7th month. Some airlines do not allow pregnant .... airline flight status · swollen feet third trimester ...

Seeking Ideas to Occupy 18 Mo/old During Long Plane Ride

Try using Bach Flower Rescue Remedy to calm your child during the flight. You can get it at Whole Foods or ..... airline flight status · free coloring pages ...
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