flight deal

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Taking a Three Year Old on Her First Flight Tomorrow.

S.B. asks from Dallas

We leave for vacation tomorrow. This will be the first flight with our three year old and the only flight our six year old will rememeber. What can I do to help the...


YIKES! 10 Hour Non-stop Flight!

J.W. asks from Jacksonville

Help! I am in need of some suggestions to keep my 3 1/2 year old happy, content, and busy for our upcoming 10 hour non-stop flight! I mainly want this experience to...


20 Some Hour Flight with 18 Month Old, HELP!

T.M. asks from Washington DC

Hi I put this up a few months ago and thank you for all of you who sent me idea's!!! Well our flight to SOUTH KOREA is only 24 days away now and I just wanted to put ...


Ideas on How to Entertain My 20 Month on a Hour and Half Flight.

D.F. asks from Detroit

This will be my sons first time flying and I was looking for some ideas on how to keep him seated and preoccupied during the flight. I did not buy a seat for him so ...


Anyone Travel Transatlantic Flight with a 4 Month Old?

Y.P. asks from Phoenix

Looking for advice on traveling with a 4 month old baby on a flight to Europe. We have a bassinet seat and will not have an extra seat for the baby's car seat, so she...


Cheap Air Flight

P.A. asks from Los Angeles

my son is turning 21 in Jan and I want to take him to Las Vegas.............any ideas how to get a really cheap flight. I want to leave LAX around 11am on Jan 20th an...


Three Year Old Doing Full Flight of Stairs by Self

C.L. asks from Scranton

Hi to all. I'm just wondering if anyone else on this site thinks three years old is too young for a child to be going up and down a full flight of 13 stairs without t...


How to Get the Best Deal on Vacation

B.B. asks from New York

Hi Moms, This is a question for those who have experience in the travel or turism industry. We plan to take a vacation to the Atlantis in Early November ...


Need Quiet Toy Ideas for Traveling with One Year Old-3 Hour Flight

L.A. asks from Austin

Hi Mamas, I'll be traveling with my one year old in December. Fortunately, the flight is only 3 hours long but that's still 3 hours to fill. My girl is very curiou...


DayCare Deal Breakers?

L.L. asks from Benton Harbor

Debating about whether or not I should find a new daycare. I know there is no such thing as a perfect daycare but I'm struggling with what is admissable and what is a...

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