fine art

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Results 81-90 from 4,652 articles

Dealing with a Large Family?

S.W. asks from Springfield

Okay, so I've noticed there has been a lot of questions about having that one shy kid in the midde of a big outgoing family, and iI've been dealing with the same type...


An Artist's Potential / a Parent's Perceptions

P.G. asks from Dallas

Extended family, very strong blue-collar background, has a kid who is gifted artistically (drawing). The child is young, pre-teen. Told at a family gathering that he...


Two Kids Had Same Path up to a Point

G.M. asks from Buffalo

My twins had the exact same path up until they hit 18. Then one applied himself and got into an ivy league business school with an $8K scholarship. He did not share ...


Do You Write on Your Hand?

R.D. asks from Richmond

I am constantly making myself little notes on the back of my left hand. I've been doing this since elementary school. My art teacher one time said 'here's a piece of ...


My 5 Year Old Has a Slight Problem Copying Things

M.P. asks from Minneapolis

Is this a problem? I noticed at her evaluation for kindergarten. She did everything excellently, but got hung up on the copying phase. Anything the person sat out in ...


How Can We Help Our Child Through Social Anxiety?

K.K. asks from Las Vegas

Our daughter is 5 years old and she started Kindergarten in Fall 2010. We homeschool her because we do not like the quality of education provided by the public school...


Going to Michael's in 3 Hours, Need Craft Ideas?

V.T. asks from Washington DC

My 3 year old daughter keeps asking for a TV in her room. The answer is always no. Now she wants to go to the art store so she can make a pretend TV. I was thinkin...


Why Do We Still Need to Teach Cursive?

S.H. asks from Santa Barbara

So I am one of the rare parents who gets teaching math and having the children understand WHY and to solve a problem in addition to memorizing equations. I have no is...


Mother in Law Upsetting Me

E.P. asks from Tampa

I feel like I can't talk to my mother-in-law about much of anything. I really have to be careful what I say or she gives me a "I don't approve" look or rolls her eyes...


10 YO Afraid of the Phone, Has Trouble Making Close Friends!

J.W. asks from Benton Harbor

My 10 year old daughter is a sweet girl. Her teachers always tell me that she gets along well with everyone at school, although she does have some anxiety issues and...

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Answer Highlights

  • fine motor skills in 4 answers "... The bottom line is cursive instills fine motor skills ..."
  • number in permanent marker in 2 answers "... to places like an amusement park she writes her cell number in permanent marker ..."
  • write in cursive in 10 answers "I write in cursive all the time."
  • faster than printing in 2 answers "... is much faster and more accurate, just like cursive is faster than printing."
  • still teach cursive in 2 answers "I like that they still teach cursive at my kids school, it has forced my son to slow ..."