fetal development 25 weeks

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Results 41-50 from 67 articles

Spina Bifida

J.N. asks from Salt Lake City

At my last OB appointment, I had the screening test done for down syndrome & spina bifida. The doctor just called this afternoon that the levels for spina bifida were...


What to Do When Pregnant and Can't Afford a Doctor?

K.H. asks from Reno

Please, please no bashing! I am hesitant to write my question due to some of the nasty responses I have seen regarding similar ones-I'm a wreck right now so please-i...


Prenant Mom Suffering from Severe Mania

A.W. asks from Seattle

I have bipolar and have been in remission for four years and stable on medication. My OB had me stop my meds when I became pregnant. I have been manic the whole 24 ...


My 6 Month Old Doesn't Sleep much....we Need SLEEP!

A.G. asks from Dallas

My son will be 6 months old next Wednesday and he still doesn't sleep well at night, he wakes up 3-6 times a night. Plus he doesn't sleep much during the day either, ...


Swine Flu Shot to Get It or Not for My Baby

C.J. asks from San Diego

My son is 6 and 1/2 months old so he's bearly old enough to get it but his ped recomended that he does. He hasn't had much luck with vaccinations. With his 2 month va...


Pregnant? Funky Results from Blood Test.

M.W. asks from San Diego

Hi all, so on Tuesday my Sister In Law had a urine test come back positive saying she was pregnant; however, today she got a call from the nurse saying that her blood...


Baby's Growth Rate

J.E. asks from Las Vegas

Hi All, I just got back from my sons doctors appointment (regular 4 mo check up) and I am worried that my son is not developing at an appropriate rate. My doctor is ...


3D/4D Ultrasounds

Z. asks from Minneapolis

Has anyone had one of these? Where did you go and what was your experience? How much did it cost and was it worth it?


Can Someone PLEASE Help Me Understand This!

R.M. asks from Los Angeles

Ok so they say that you have to put on weight for your baby to develop properly so I guess I don't really understand why some people who are overweight are told to ga...


Just Curious, What Did You or Didn't You Do While Pregnant?

B.B. asks from Missoula

I just read a post about having an occasional drink while pregnant, and it got me thinking about all the other things we aren't supposed to do for these nine months. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • get the swine flu shot in 2 answers "I would never in a million years get the swine flu shot or any other shot ever again."
  • swine flu vaccine in 4 answers "... I too would seriously question the efficacy and safety of the swine flu vaccine."
  • ate deli meat in 5 answers "I ate deli meat all the time."
  • fetal alcohol syndrome in 5 answers "... who are saying that they know someone who's baby has fetal alcohol syndrome ..."
  • did not eat deli meat in 2 answers "I drank the 10 bottles of water a day. I did not eat deli meat."