ferber naps

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Cry It Out for Naps

M.B. asks from San Francisco

My one year old has never been a good sleeper. Although we have never stuck with any sleep training. He takes two naps (in my lap) and then goes to sleep about 7:30 (...


11 Month Old Daughter Started Waking and Ferber Method Not Working.

A.L. asks from Lancaster

My 11 month old daughter has slept through the night beautifully until the past week. She will fall asleep while holding her or cuddling next to my husband or myself,...


Travelling While Using Ferber Method

L.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, We will be going to MI this weekend for the Labor Day holiday. We are leaving Wednesday night and coming back Sunday. I started to Ferberize our baby (9.5...


3 Month Naps

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter will be 3 months on Sat. She sleeps GREAT at night (usually 6-7 hours then wakes to eat and sleeps another 3). But, during the day she still only takes ...


My 9 Month Old and Her Naps

N.P. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms My 9 month old daughter can't seem to nap for longer than 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. She takes one morning and either one or sometimes two afternoon naps, but m...


CIO For Naps, but Not for Night Time

G.M. asks from Boston

OK moms. Need some reassurance here. I have a 14 week old who is a horrible napper. We either co-sleep with her at night or she is in a bassinet in our room. I hav...


3 Month Old Naps

S.F. asks from New York

Hi all, My daughter is 3 months old and will sleep excellently though the night (10pm-6am, eats briefly, then 6am-9am) on her own. BUT, she will not nap on her own...


Spit-up and Naps

J.G. asks from Chicago

I have two possibly related issues. My baby is 17 weeks old, and she isn't consolidating her naps. I don't know if I just screwed up by being on the go too much when ...


Naps and a 4 Month Old

S.S. asks from Chicago

I was wondering at what age to infants start having regular naps lasting at least one hour. I have a 4 month old son who is a fairly good night sleep. He gets up tw...


Naps and Fussy Time

A.S. asks from Albany

I have a 6 month old and about a month and 1/2 ago we started to put her in the crib for naps. She sleeps there for night time too, since about 4 months. We were us...

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  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "i just read in the no-cry sleep solution that we should try to put them down for a ..."
  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "Please read "The no cry sleep solution""
  • healthy sleep habits in 5 answers "Weissbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child is a must!!! I read this book and ..."
  • travel always screws in 2 answers "... came back from your trip to attempt to train your daughter. Travel always screws ..."
  • healthy sleep habits in 3 answers "I would recommend the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child""