federal deficit

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Results 41-50 from 55 articles

RANDOM: Do We Really Need the Post Office?

J.B. asks from Houston

It appears a bailout is coming for the post office, out our expense. The report says the post office is losing $25million a day? Really...really? How does that happ...


Why Don't You Vote? Do You Hope Your Children Will?

X.O. asks from Chicago

As a Social Studies teacher and an American citizen, married to an Iraqi-born American citizen, I am very dismayed to see so many moms on here are not voting in this ...


Election Results, What Now?

T.D. asks from Springfield

i live with a diehard democrat. and he is very opinionated. he is saying things that are scaring me and frightening me. i am starting to have some anxiety issues over...


Seeking Help with My 10 Year Old, Following Instruction. Please Help!! Houston

I.S. asks from Houston

My son is 10 years old and is in the fourth grade for a second time. We normally do not have many behavior problems with Aj, in or out of school. One area that is a...


Kindergardener Communication

L.M. asks from Chicago

My child is driving me bonkers and I'd like some advice on what I could do to help him develop better communication because obviously nothing I've tried is working. ...


Any Other Moms Dealing with a Child Who Is ADHD & ODD

K.M. asks from Cincinnati

My son was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) a few years ago. He has been on several different meds trying to find the right "mix." He has...


"HELP" I Think Me Sons Teacher dislikes(Hates) Him.

K.R. asks from San Diego

My son is 6 and in the first grade. He is one of the youngest kids in his class and as his teacher says very Immature. So far she has lied to my son and us once. Ok s...


Seeking Moms Who Know About Asperger's Syndrome

L.G. asks from Detroit

Need someone to explain to me what this is in simple terms. I was just told that my son (8years old) most likely has this and I am having a real hard time figuring o...


"Behind Your Back: a Documentary About Bainport" Will You See It?

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

Has anyone been following the Bainport, IL situation? Has anyone watched "Behind Your Back: A Documentary About Bainport"? Thoughts? Would you recommend it? Do...


How Can We Add Jobs to the American Economy?

A.S. asks from Boca Raton

According to an employment report this morning, there were no new net jobs added to our economy - unemployment remained at 9.1%. Apparently, this was the weakest job...

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