favorite movies for kid

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Results 51-60 from 2,733 articles

Favorite Books for Boys Ages 5 - 7

L.F. asks from Minneapolis

I have 3 nephews, ages 5 years, 7 years, and 7 years. I would like to get them books for Christmas. I'm not sure what they'd like. I have girls. What are some of ...


Forcing Your Kid(s) to Read

G.F. asks from Biloxi

My 12 year old son handed me his report card last night. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly thrilled with the 2 C's he got (I guess it could be worse). The first C was...


What Do I Do with My Kid All Day?

H.P. asks from Norfolk

Long story short, I'm an EMT who is used to running around answering 911 emergencies all day, newly moved to the area, pregnant with #2, and thrust into this whole ne...


JFF: Whats Your Favorite Part About Thanksgiving??? What Are Your Plans??

N.A. asks from Chicago

Hello Mama's, As I was looking through old pic's from our past Thanksgiving dinner's I rembered the best part about the holidays in general...FAMILY! I love i...


How Can I save My Favorite Pair of Jeans?

H.W. asks from Los Angeles

So I have many pairs of jeans, but there are two that are my ultimate favorite. They are broken in, comfy, fit just right in all the right places and everything else ...


Just for Fun... Favorite Things to Do

A.H. asks from Portland

What are your favorite things to do with your child? I love to go swimming with her, have splash wars in the kiddie pool at the house, go to the park (most of the tim...


Favorite Oldies but Goodies

J.K. asks from Chicago

Movies that your kids loved or do love old and new such as Annie, Wizard of Oz, Charlotte's web and the Lorax :)


Disney for a Non-disney Kid

A.M. asks from Kansas City

hey mamas! i knoooww... as soon as we get there he'll be fine. and normally he is pretty gracious, for a 6 year old. (if he gets presents he doesn't like, for exa...


What Age to Start Taking Toddler to Movies

J.J. asks from Little Rock

My daughter is 2 1/2 and I'm wondering if that is too early to take her to the movie theater. I'm not sure if she would be interested enough to sit through the whole ...


What Are Some of Your Favorite Christmas Traditions?

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

I would love to hear some of your favorite things YOUR family likes to do during the Christmas season! Any special traditions? I'm thinking of incorporating so...

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