fall out boy

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HELP!!! My 3 Y/o Is Such a....BOY!!!!

K.M. asks from San Diego

A LITTLE MORE INFO: I was so worried about writing a book that I didn't really give the "reasons" behind his behavior. I've tried noting when this happens, and I ...


Hate Disappointing My Boy

M.P. asks from Grand Forks

my boy will be 4 in a few weeks. for the last couple months i told him i'd rent a bouncehouse for his bday party. but the way finances are going right now, there's ...


Defiant 10-Yr Old Boy

S.X. asks from Champaign

My oldest son (10) is extremely strong-willed and is becoming more and more defiant every day. The least little request is met with opposition. I tried giving him m...


My Baby Won't Fall Asleep Because She Keeps Rolling Over!

B.S. asks from Columbia

My 6 1/2 month old daughter was sleeping wonderfully (12 hours a night) until just recently when she learned to roll over onto her stomach. Now when I put her down fo...


Big Boy Bed Help

L.S. asks from Philadelphia

My 19 momth old ds#2 has recently discovered he could climb out of his crib. The first time he did it, dh installed a door alarm that day. The alarm goes off when the...


Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts

T.K. asks from Dallas

Is your child a scout? I'm considering it and wondering about the cost vs value. My ex was an Eagle scout and Kwahadi Indian dancer. He was very involved and it wa...


Help! Hormones Causing Hair to Fall Out???

N.N. asks from Dallas

I am a mother of a 4 year old and a 6 month old who is just now weaning himself from breatfeeding. My hair seems to be falling out more than usual. In addition, I'm...


Potty Training a Toddler Boy

X.2. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, maybe you been through this, I have a concern regarding potty training a 2yr 4 mon. boy. I started potty training him on thursday and it went ok. He seemed pr...


2 1.2 Yr Old Needing to Hold My Hand to Fall asleep...slightly New Issue to My L

K.L. asks from Las Vegas

My 2 1/2 month old son has been a champion sleeper since he was little. since he was at least 13 or 14 months old he slept 8-8 and you put him in his crib, he reads, ...


3Yr Old Wont Fall into Sleep Until After 10Pm

J.F. asks from San Francisco

She sleeps more than 1 hr at daycare. She goes to bed after 8:40. We kept the room dark and one of the parents sits near her toddler bed to company her. She will ...

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