exposed acne

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Results 11-20 from 134 articles

Acne and Redness in Mid 40'S

L.B. asks from San Francisco

Hello, I welcome the insight of the Mamasource community. For the past 3-4 months, have had blemishes showing up on a daily basis. Also, notice a redness on one si...


What Is Good to Control Acne During Pregnancy?

M.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi moms! I would like to know if microdermabrasion (SP????) is safe during pregnancy, I just found out I'm pregnant AGAIN and I was ready to have that done, is it saf...


Adult Acne

M.W. asks from Denver

Help!! I've 43 years old, and I'm STILL fighting zits like I was when I was a teenager. Only now, I've got wrinkles AND pimples!! I've tried SO MANY products; Avon, M...


Advice on Cradle Cap, Baby Acne or Ras - on Face

H.B. asks from San Francisco

My son Zachary is 10 weeks old - he is quite healthy - almost 13lbs/24 inches at his two month check up. He has had the acne and overall dry blotchy skin - now weepy ...


Is This Chicken Pox or What?

K.R. asks from Dayton

We just discovered a small spot on our little girl (6 mos. old preemie) 1/4 in. below her right eye. There is only 1, but it looks like a small pimple. I don't know...


How Important Is Skin Care to You?

A.B. asks from Phoenix

I am a Mom who is very active in my four daughters' lives and well being. Perhaps a bit old fashion, I believe in preventatives rather than running a child to a docto...


Contagous Cold Sore?

K.M. asks from Roanoke

Hi everyone!! Hoping someone out there can help ease my anxiety. I have heard that Cold Sores (HSV 1) are very contagous and am worried my infant may have been expos...


Itchy Red Bumps on Face

S.R. asks from Washington DC

my 6 week old has a rash all over her face and neck and on the side of her legs. The bumps on her face are itching her a lot and interfering with her sleep. The docto...


Teenage Breakout

M.R. asks from Austin

This isn't a crisis at all but just wondering what can be causing my daughters breakout. She will be 17 on Saturday and her skin has been clear all through the Middl...


Strange Rash in Newborn

L.R. asks from McAllen

A few days ago my baby (two weeks old last Monday) got a sort of rash in her underarms and the crooks of her arms, and behind one ear (strangely, not behind the other...

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