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Results 71-80 from 2,350 articles

Soccer for 4 Yo Son and Swimming Lessons

S.R. asks from Tampa

I am looking to get my son in "rec" soccer, something to burn off some of that never ending energy and show him team work. I checked out, sprin...


Garage Sale Worth It?

A.G. asks from Denver

I was wondering if it was worth the time and energy to have a garage sale. I have car seats and a stroller but the rest is clothes that my 9 yr. old has grown out of...


Seeking Moms with a Hyperthyroid

A.P. asks from Chicago

I was just wondering if a hyperthyroid makes you very irritable and very lazy, I also get the shakes in the morning, sometimes they're all day. I have no energy any m...


Need Suggestions for Long Car Trip down South

L.A. asks from San Francisco

I am planning on taking my 2, 4 and 5 year old on a long (12+ hours) car trip down south. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep them occupied in the car so...


Need Advice for Drying Clothes on a Clothesline

H.J. asks from Milwaukee

We have been wanting to save money & energy by drying our clothes on a clothesline, but I have two problems with this. One is that, despite using fabric softener, th...


Need Recommendations for Someone to Clean My Home in McKinney

A.T. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know of a reasonable, honest person or company that can clean my house? We keep it very straight, but I just do not have the energy to clean it top to bo...


Garage Sale Virgin

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

I'm going to have my first ever garage sale in about 10 days. I'm wanting to do this for a couple of reasons. I want to spring clean, and get out all of the things th...


Seeking Advice on Purchasing Refrigerator and Washer/dryer

K.O. asks from Dallas

Hello again ladies, We are moving into a new home within the next month or so and are actively searching for a new refrigerator and washer/dryer. Have reviewed so...


Expensive Supplements: Pros & Cons

M.R. asks from Phoenix

In the past I have tried Juice Plus...and did not see much of a difference, but we already eat healthy and fresh and products similar to Juice + abound in health food...


Anyone Tried Mona Vie Drink?

H.K. asks from Dallas

Hi there. I wanted to try this health drink as long as I can rememeber since last year but it is very costly (about $45) or more per bottle and I wonder does it re...

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