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T.C. asks from Raleigh

How do you stop remembering and crying. When do you stop hurting. I was a widow for almost 8 years. Married a preacher. After 3 dead babies and 1 premie(less than...


Part 2 Question.... Adoption ... Follow up Question to My Last One This Week

K.C. asks from Texarkana

So i wanna start by thanking everyone that offered advice to me earlier this week on the lil boy we were looking to take in. So i have spoken to the mother of the chi...


Divorce Bombshell

M.K. asks from Columbus

So, my husband wants a divorce. I'm actually fine with that - we've been having problems for a long time and with him living four hours away because of his job has j...


Is My Child Support Really Going Down!!

E.G. asks from Dallas

What is going to happen???? My daughters father is a real peach. He was laid off in November and has been very "selective" choosing a new job. He has had countle...


Ex Husband Wants Me to Pay for Half of Cobra Costs

L.J. asks from Fort Wayne

My ex husband recently lost his job. Our children were covered under his insurance plan. He now wants me to pay for half the Cobra costs. If this happens, it means...


Workman's Comp Being Denied

J.L. asks from Boise

Has anyone gone through the process of fighting a workmans comp denial? My husband was diagnosed with carpal tunnel last May and by the time we completed the whole p...


New Husband Wants to Adopt My Daughter.

L.S. asks from Wichita

Here it goes... To make an extremely long story short, I'll provide the short version. When my daughter was 8-9 years old, she finally realized how unreliable her...


Divorce Advice - California.

N.W. asks from Los Angeles

Without going in to too much detail - hubby and I are going to get a divorce. We have two kids, own a house, he works, I'm a stay at home Mom. He did some really ba...


Help, I Am So Lost

A.R. asks from Salt Lake City

My Husband of 5 1/2 years recently told me he was gay and he wants a divorce. He told me last week and he wants to push the divorce through as fast as possible. we ha...


Low Income Housing?!? HELP!

D.L. asks from New York

So my mother is getting a divorce from a terrible abuser. The house she lives in with my 17 year old sister currently was originally her house, until he moved in and ...

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