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Results 71-80 from 474 articles

Allergy Season? or Cold?

J.A. asks from Indianapolis

I think it was on Saturday I noticed my 23 month old had a runny nose, that was clear mucus. Since then it is still clear, but now it sounds like he's congested in h...


White Blood Cell Count and Juicing

J.P. asks from Houston

My goal is to better my white blood cell count for an upcoming surgery. Because I almost have to be forcefed to get in 3 meals a day, the only reommendation was ...


Cold Medicine with Breastfeeding

J.V. asks from Colorado Springs

Does anyone know what over the counter meds are ok while breastfeeding? I have cold symptoms and sinus pressure.


Staying Away from Colds While Nursing

V.P. asks from New York

Before I had my little one, I used to take Airborn along with a Chinese Herbal Medicine at the first sign of a cold and could rely on not getting sick. Now that I am...


Virus, Fever, Achiness, chills...Help!

D.R. asks from Austin

Hi Moms, I'm writing about myself, not my kids this time. I've had a fever for 4 nights in a row. I start to feel better during the day, but it comes back at nig...


Vitamins While Breastfeeding

M.S. asks from Indianapolis

Just wondering what other people are doing. While breastfeeding, do you just take a regular multivitamin or do you still take the prenatal vitamins? I know the pren...


Sinus Infection and Cough

S.N. asks from Dallas

My Son(2.5 yrs old) was having severe cough for 4 days and then at the doc visit found out he had sinus infection).He was prescribed antibiotics and almost 3 days aft...


Reaction to Food Coloring

L.H. asks from Dayton

Has anyone else seen negative behavior in their children in relation to food coloring, especially with red #40, yellow #5 and yellow #6? I discovered the connectio...


Flu Shot or Not?

J.H. asks from Tucson

Should my 9-month old daughter get a flu shot at her pediatrician's visit next week? The doctor is planning on giving it to her, but I am unsure whether or not I wan...


Taking My Infant to a Natural Doctor

C.B. asks from Chicago

I currently take my 23 month old to a nd and jus had our 2nd daughter. I was wondering if anyone else takes there infant to a natural doctor(nd)?? I first took my old...

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Answer Highlights

  • also take fish oil in 2 answers "I am a vegetarian too, but still take the prenatals. I also take fish oil supplements."
  • antihistamines will dry in 2 answers "While some people say that antihistamines will dry up milk supply, there is actually ..."
  • away from sick people in 2 answers "So, I would just wash your hands, and try and stay away from sick people."
  • came down with a virus in 2 answers "... supposed to fly to Florida next week and my daughter came down with a virus ..."
  • had a flu shot in 2 answers "... of my kids (almost 3 years old and 17 months old) have ever had a flu shot."