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How to discipline a 15 years old teen stealing money from parent

J.L. asks from New York

My husband and I just noticed that our 15 year old has been taking money out of my husbands wallet to use for lunch. This is the ONLY time he is taking the money, so...


Creative Ways to save Money?

J.F. asks from Boston

Hi moms, just looking for you to share some ways you save money each month...with 2 kids in daycare, money is really tight. We rarely go out to eat, we shop at the ch...


How Do You Manage Money in Your Household?

K.B. asks from Chicago

Managing money within a household is sometimes a magical fete for couples. Not everyone is skilled at managing money and some want nothing to do with this responsibil...


Money a Huge Problem

M.P. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, well my husband and i make enough money monthly to cover our bills and more. But we are so terrible at budgeting that we just scape by at the end of the ...


Making Extra Money

S.V. asks from Phoenix

Ok girls...I've responded to a few requests, but have yet asked for help from all of you lovely ladies out there. Well, without going into great detail, I need to ma...


Teaching Children About Money.

M.H. asks from San Francisco

For the first three years of our marriage we lived way outside our means. When we found ourselves $45,000 in debt three years ago we were pretty shocked by the whole ...


Teenagers, Money, Jobs and Responsibility?

K.I. asks from Spokane

Hi ladies! **Always have to put a disclaimer, so I do not get lots of people saying I resent this kid, because some people hear "step" and assume that means "new rel...


Husband Borrowing Money

A.A. asks from Las Vegas

I am so mad right now I just found out my husband borrowed money from my mil..wasn't much however I am the one that pays the bills. He is laid off once again and to b...


Want to Make Extra Money from Home

A.C. asks from Dallas

Hello ladies! I am looking to earn a little extra money to pay for my son starting preschool in the fall. I was thinking along the lines of one of those places that...


Where to Get the Money

K.R. asks from Milwaukee

I own my own home in Milwaukee, WI. I want to move the the suburbs. With the market the way it is currently. It will probably take 6-9 months to sell my house. I ...

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