Drug Administration

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Results 21-30 from 199 articles

Anyone Else Suffering with Spring Allergies? What Helps You?

W.S. asks from Chicago

Anybody else experiencing allergies right now? I have always had 'hay fever' in the spring when the leaves come out on the trees (I'm allergic to tree pollen). But,...


Zoloft Side Effects

M.. asks from Youngstown

Hi moms, my ob/gyn put me on Zoloft today. She prescribed it for severe pms. Over the course of the last year I have developed severe pms that is really affecting m...


HPV Vaccination, What Are Your Opinions?

A.A. asks from San Francisco

Hello ladies, I have 2 daughters who are entering the age where they could get the HPV vaccination. I've done some research already, but I wanted to ask if anyone...


Behavior Problems While Taking Cingulair

A.S. asks from Dallas

My 3 1/2 yo son is having MAJOR behavior problems. Last week he started back on Cingulair and he has become very defiant, and doesn't listen. He also is not sleepin...


2 Month Old with Rash on Face

J.G. asks from Columbia

Hey ladies!! I'm hoping you can help... About 4 weeks ago my baby and I both developed trush. We both went to the doctor and he prescribed the usual for my baby and ...


Mother in Law with Chemical Imbalance

A.H. asks from Sheboygan

My mother in law is suffering from a chemical imbalance. She has been treated for it for many years and now all of a sudden she is in depression again because of it. ...


Seeking Answers About Pregnancy

M.R. asks from Syracuse

Hi, I am a mom of two already. I think I might be pregnant but I am on the pill. DOES BEING ON THE BILL CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS OR EVEN STILL BORN BIRTH? I have bee...


Hormone Pellets

R.P. asks from Phoenix

Does anyone have any experience with these? A Med Spa dr suggested I would be a perfect candidate because she said that it sounds like my depression is caused by hor...


What to Do with Old Med's?

T.L. asks from St. Louis

I have several bottles of old medicine that I would really like to get rid of, but I have read no to flush it. How do you get rid of your old expired pills? I don't...


What Do the Numbers in the Recycling Triangles Mean on Plastic?

J.Z. asks from Dallas

Hi, My friend visited me this weekend and she told me that they are no longer using plastic in their dishwasher or microwave because it is not safe. So we started...

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Answer Highlights

  • can cause cervical cancer in 2 answers "... developed to protect against the viruses which can cause cervical cancer."
  • sounds like an allergic reaction in 2 answers "It could be anything. It sounds like an allergic reaction."
  • get into the ground water in 2 answers "... the wrapping breaks down sooner or later and drugs get into the ground water ..."
  • gentian violet in 2 answers "... One study has linked long term exposure to large amounts of Gentian violet ..."
  • birth control pills in 2 answers "... 5% of all pregnancies mothers have a history of having taken birth control pills ..."