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Results 71-80 from 363 articles

Differences in Ds and Ds Lite Etc...

T.M. asks from Detroit

We are looking at getting our children ds hand held games for christmas. I've been looking on-line at them and have no idea what the difference is between them? If ...


We Have 1 Spare Day in Orlando. What Should We Do?

M.W. asks from St. Cloud

We are going to Florida soon. We are spending 3 full days at the DisneyWorld parks and then have one spare day left before we come home. Any suggestions on what to ...


Creative Memories vs Shutterfly

L.M. asks from Minneapolis

I would like to do an online scrapbook and I am debating between creative memories and shutterfly. Does anyone have any experience with either or both? Do you need t...


Custom Made CD

K.U. asks from Detroit

I will be the first to admit that I am not computer savvy in the least so I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question but I am interested in making a CD of songs for...


Moms Advice

A.S. asks from Redding

I know some of you out there have to be artists; so I would like to ask for some direction on making a film. My Dad passed away this December and I became very ill s...


Game System for 10 and 15 Yr Old Boys

B.R. asks from Milwaukee

The boys have a ps2, but it's definitely had it's use and time to replace it. I say we should get them a wii. Husband says xbox 360, but then we talked to a sales r...


iPod For Third Birthday?

P.C. asks from Portland

My son, about to turn three years of age, loves Irish songs, God bless him. We listen to the Dubliners a lot, since he loves singing more than the tunes. When...


DS Vs Dsi

M.K. asks from Appleton

I am not a video game person, and typically woudl steer away from them. With that said, however, that is THE thing my 7 year old daughter wants for Christmas this ye...


Looking for Recommendation on Digital Camcorder and Washer/Dryer

K.L. asks from Tulsa

I'm making some major purchases and would like some real life opinions. I've been shopping for a digital camcorder and am totally overwhelmed with all the options. ...


My Daughter Turns 8 Years Old This Month. Need Some Creative Gift Suggestions?

P.M. asks from Provo

With Christmas just past and a daughter that seriously wants for everything but needs NOTHING what kinds of creative things can you get for an 8 year old girl? I k...

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