double stroller facing each other

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Results 71-80 from 376 articles

Double Stroller vs Snugli Type Carrier

A.T. asks from Colorado Springs

I am due to have my 4th child on July 3rd and am trying to figure out what form of "transportation" I want to use for the mall or park or walks etc. My youngest is g...


Double Strollers

R.G. asks from Chicago

Hi moms - I am looking for some feedback on a couple of strollers. Does anyone have the BOB or Phil and Ted's double stroller? If so, what do you think about th...


Double Stroller for Infant and Toddler

A.W. asks from Atlanta

I have an almost 2 year old and am due in August with baby #2. I have started researching double strollers and need advice. I am looking for something that is not too...


Double Stroller Advice Needed!

N.L. asks from Orlando

Hi, i'm pregnant and due next month, and I have a 19 month-old boy.. I am not sure which double sroller fit me best with a new born and an almost 2 year old son... pl...


Double Strollers

J.S. asks from Chicago

We have a 15 month old and just had another baby and are looking at double strollers. Anyone have any input on the Phil & Ted's Sport Double or the Baby Jogger City ...


Double Stroller Recommendations

W.J. asks from Dallas

I am pregnant with my second and we have a 3 year old that tolerates her stroller great BUT should I just keep the "cadillac" as my husband calls it for when the baby...


Which Double Stoller?

A.F. asks from Indianapolis

Hi! Anyone out there have an opinion on which double stroller I should buy for a newborn and 2 year old? Side by side or tandem? Brand? Do I need one that has a t...


Double Stroller - Phil & Ted Vs. Contours Options

M.S. asks from Milwaukee

Hi there, We're in the market for a double stroller, and I'm debating between Phil & Ted's classic double and Contours Options. I have found that P&T's is *really...


Do I Need a Double Stroller or a Sit-and-Stand?

K.L. asks from San Francisco

Hello All. I am expecting my second child in March and the new baby will have a (hopefully doting!) two-year old big sister. My dilemma right now is what kind of st...


Double Strollers

K.P. asks from New York

Good morning- I figured that I could sort through 1000 online reviews or just ask the experts... I am having our second child in April and our older will turn 4 in...

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Answer Highlights

  • graco quattro tour in 2 answers "I LOVE my Graco Quattro Tour."
  • graco duo glider in 2 answers "I have a graco duo glider. I love it, its great for navigating through the isles ..."
  • side by side umbrella in 2 answers "I spent about 100 dollars for a side by side umbrella style double stroller."
  • side by side double in 2 answers "... has seemed to find the solution after a few tries. Side by side double ..."
  • sit and stand stroller in 4 answers "I bought a Sit and Stand stroller for my then three year old and new born."