dog toy

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TOY INSTRUMENTS - That Sound Pleasant and Are Sturdy

L.A. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas - Grandpa is keen on getting DS some toy instruments. He's asked me to pick out a piano, tambourine, drums, xylophone, and maracas. Any suggestions ...


Toddler Won't Stop Feeding the Dog

B.C. asks from Norfolk

My 15 month old daughter will not stop giving her food to the dog. My dog won't take food away from her, he knows better than that, she readily gives it to him. Durin...


Best Toy for 3 Yr Old Girl

V.D. asks from Salt Lake City

Hey moms. What is your 3 yr olds favorie, can't live without toy? My daughters birthday is coming up and honestly there are so many toys out there. I would jus...


JFF: What Gender Stereotype Toy Are You Sick Of?

E.J. asks from Lincoln

As I was cleaning my son's room today I thought to myself... I feel like I am going to scream if he receives one more toy car or toy/nerf gun. Both of which he doesn...


Question Regarding a New Dog

E.B. asks from Honolulu

My dd's psychiatrist has recommended that she get an Emotional Support Animal, and is willing to write all the official letters and fill out the required forms. Dd f...


Best Dog for Family of 5

G.G. asks from Chicago

What is the best kind of dog (from a shelter/rescue) to get for a family of 5. Kids age 4, 7, 11. I would also like one who doesn't shed like crazy. What is the bes...


Should I Feed My Dog Human Food?

P.S. asks from Washington DC

This is a debate in my home - should we feed our dog human food or stick to the dog food? Our dog is a little overweight but generally healthy. Is it okay to give him...


Kid Friendly Dog

L.K. asks from Austin

I am thinking of getting my daughter a dog for Christmas. We already have a border collie/australian shepherd mix that sheds like crazy. I had a schaunzer up until la...


Getting a Second Dog

P.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I have a mini doxie who is a 4 year old female. I am thinking about getting a second dog for my son who is 12. I am just wondering what your experiences h...


Dog Breed Advise

A.D. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone have any experience with Welch Terriers? We are looking to get a dog for our family (my husband and I and our 5 yr. old daughter) and several online dog ...

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Answer Highlights

  • cavalier king charles in 2 answers "I personally would look in to a Cavalier King Charles for a family with children and ..."
  • feed a dog human food in 2 answers "... a BARF diet that's fine, but otherwise of course you don't feed a dog human food."
  • golden retriever mix in 2 answers "I have a golden retriever mix and a german shepherd mix (not sure w/what) they are ..."
  • welsh terriers in 2 answers "I lived in Wales for 32 years, and Welsh terriers are very cute and playful, great ..."
  • littlest pet shop in 2 answers "... love nerf and cars, but they also love their toy kitchen and littlest pet shop ..."