dog friendly

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What to Do with Our Dog - Since It Bit Our Son?

S.A. asks from Chicago

Yesterday, my 19 year-old niece was watching our 4 youngest children and our dog. She takes care of all of them 3 days a week. She feeds the dog, gives him water, a...


Looking for Reliable (Child & Dog Friendly) Person to Renovate Bathroom

C.G. asks from Miami

I reside in East Fort lauderdale and am looking for someone to renovate our bathroom (re-tile, replace toilet, mirror, sink, etc.,.). We are in a rather small home s...


What Arrangements Do You Make for Your Dog When on Vacation?

S.R. asks from Denver

We occasionally go on short weekend trips (3-4 days usually just 3 nights). We have a new dog, we're trying to figure out possible arrangements and the different po...


Parents Wanting to Visit with Their dog...what Would You Do?

M.E. asks from Jacksonville

My parents are wanting to come down for a short visit. The only issue: they want to bring their dog. I live in a very small 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with my husband an...


What Kind of Dog Does Your Family Have?

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

We are in the market to get a puppy! We aren't too breed specific and think a med-large dog is best due to our almost three year olds roughness. What kind of dog do y...


Petco or Petsmart Dog Training

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

have any of you taken your adult dog to obediance classes at petco or petsmart. how was it did you feel satisfied with the training. what was the pricing like. also d...


Dog Breed Advise

A.D. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone have any experience with Welch Terriers? We are looking to get a dog for our family (my husband and I and our 5 yr. old daughter) and several online dog ...


Dangerous Dog on Street

B.P. asks from New York

Hi moms, My husband and I were out for a walk today and noticed across the street one of our neighbors was walking a grey pitbull type dog on a choke co...


What Kind of Breed of Dog for Us?

J.B. asks from Dallas

I have a one-year old son that ADORES dogs. As a matter of fact "dog" and "Osgo" (for Rosco, my mom's dog) were two of his first few words. We would like to get him...


Dog Breeds That Are Good with Kids

E.M. asks from Phoenix

We are considering getting our first dog. We do have some allergies so the dog has to be short hair and low maintance. We have a 2 and 5 year old so it also has to ...

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