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Cold Hands on Vegan Diet

S.S. asks from Binghamton

Hi moms. I went vegan three weeks ago hoping to cure a weird, undiagnosable condition that makes the front of my neck swell at random times. Basically it was a hail M...


Sensible Diet for Me and My Husband

V.K. asks from Sacramento

Both my husband and I need to lose weight. I used to be under weight ... then I got pregnant and nursed her for 15 months which made me eat more (and I think stretch...


Help with Diet After Baby #3

A.B. asks from Provo

I had my 3rd baby in October and have long struggled with breast milk production. I finally found Domperdone and it is working but the side effects include not havin...


Help on Cutting Dairy Out of My Diet

M.M. asks from Anchorage

I am suspecting milk allergies/intolerance in my 2 month old daughter. She's exclusively breastfed. She doesn't spit up and is a good sleeper but her poop has alway...


Diet While Nursing Baby with Reflux

J.H. asks from Houston

Hi Moms! I have a wonderful baby girl who will be 8 weeks old on Monday. Very early on we realized she has acid reflux. We are on Previcid after trying 2 others medic...


Has Anyone Tried South Beach Diet or Any Diet That Works Well with Out Starving

P.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi There, I am trying to find a diet program that I have not tried. I have done it all. I don't like counting calories. I don't like eating packaged foods. How is ...


Anyone Drink Diet Coke While Pregnant?

A.T. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone! Basically, what I am wondering is if anyone drank Diet Coke during their pregnancy and have since delivered a healthy baby/child. Or, if you dran...


Using Diet to Help Illness or Behavior

T.S. asks from Boston

Hi, Who feels they have successfully used diet to improve a child's illness or behavior? I would love to hear your story. Thanks - and happy thanksgiving!


Adding Rice Cereal to Formula to Make Infant Sleep Thru Night - Fact or Fiction?

C.C. asks from Chicago

I've been told by several people that I should add rice cereal to my daughters formula to make her sleep thru the night. She is 15 weeks old. They swear that it helpe...


Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet

J.S. asks from Dallas

I am very curious about this "new" diet plan, well new to me. I just can't find good detailed information on it even when I googled the name or looked at the official...

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