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Results 141-150 from 528 articles

Men and Parenting

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi Everyone: Do any other moms have this problem? Thanks for listening to me vent! Here is the situation. I have to work 2 nights per week. This is due to the ...


Anyone Have Any Suggestions on Why My 7YO Eats at Night?

H.B. asks from Detroit

My son is 7YO, he has been a bad sleeper since he was 2. He gets up and eats in the middle of the night. Usually it is treats. He has dinner, and a snack before be...


Seeking Natural Ways to Manage Adult ADD for Sister

B.C. asks from Dallas

My sister's dr. is wanting to put her on wellbutrin for her lifelong, now turned into adult ADD. She doesn't want to take it and is asking for more natural ways to tr...


Nature's One Organic Formula for Baby?

Z.L. asks from Denver

Sadly I have thrown in the towel for breastfeeding my twins, age 6 months. I have started them on Nature's One formula - the can says that it is "Toddler Formula" bu...


When to Start Cereal

K.C. asks from Texarkana

Hello everyone , quick question my son is almost 4 months old, was wondering when i should start cereal, he isn't a good eater he is still only taking 4 ozs at a time...


How Do I Get My Husband to Quit a Junk Food Addiction?

S.R. asks from Los Angeles

Its really getting out of hand. i know its not as bad as drugs or alcohol but i fear for his life just the same! when we were first married we both ate a lot of jun...


Infants and New Ideas About When to Feed What?

S.L. asks from Kansas City

On one of my daycare groups, a question has come up about some parents with some different food demands. The caregiver says mom and dad are withholding all fruit f...


What Brand of Rice Cereal Should I Get?

Y.F. asks from New York

Gearing up to start feeding solids to my 4 month old...what brand of cereal is the best! Experienced moms out there, would love your opinions!


Toddler Weight Gain Question

A.M. asks from Lakeland

Hi Everyone! I have a question about how much weight a toddler should gain from age 2 to 3. The last time my toddler was weighed was at his 2 year old well checkup ...



D.B. asks from Detroit

So I have my nine yr old nephew staying with our family for a little over a week. His dad (my lil brother) and mom (they aren't together any longer) are both due to ...

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Answer Highlights

  • poptarts and pizza rolls in 2 answers "... unbelievable is that they'd leave this kid with his poptarts and pizza rolls ..."
  • feed him what you feed the rest in 2 answers "I would suggest you feed him what you feed the rest of your family and allow a tiny ..."
  • get up in the middle of the night in 2 answers "Start a reward chart for him to not get up in the middle of the night, and make the ..."
  • introduce new foods in 2 answers "If your mom, brother and his mom arent even trying to introduce new foods he will ..."
  • go through phases in 2 answers "I did and still do go through phases of eating certain things for weeks at a time."