developmental milestones chart

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Results 21-30 from 269 articles

Baby's Growth Rate

J.E. asks from Las Vegas

Hi All, I just got back from my sons doctors appointment (regular 4 mo check up) and I am worried that my son is not developing at an appropriate rate. My doctor is ...


2 Month Not Gaining Enough Weight

J.P. asks from Dallas

I brought my 2 month old daughter for her 2 month check up and she didn't gain as much as she should have. In the last month she gained 26 ounces instead of 32 ounce...


Pediatrician Doing His Job?

S.G. asks from Sacramento

Hello. My daughter is 6 months old. When we go for our well baby check, her pediatrician is always very laid back and very brief. He asks if I have any questions f...


Help with a Late Walker

G.M. asks from Boston

Hi all. My DD is 17.5 mos and will only walk with a walker, holding onto furniture or by holding someone's hands. She is in Early Intervention as she had a hypermob...


Newborn Not Gaining Weight

C.C. asks from Richmond

I'm a new mom to a beautiful 4wk old BB. He was 6lbs 6oz at birth, and by 1wk, he was down to 5lbs 7oz. Now, 3wks later, he's only 5lbs 11oz. We are BF and he's get...


4 Year Old with Aspergers

J.L. asks from Indianapolis

My four year old son has been recently diagnosed with Aspergers. It has been extremely tough. He is so angry all the time and I feel like a horrible parent. I am work...


Tiny 8 Month Old Girl

R.P. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Ladies - My daughter has been slipping on the weight chart since she was born and I've finally turned from concerned to worried. She is now 0% on the charts in we...


Growth Percentile

E.M. asks from St. Joseph

I had a re-cert WIC appt today so I had to take all the boys in. I have a 2 1/2 year old boy and twins that just turned 1 year a week ago. 2 1/2 year old was great, g...


Is My 9 Month Old Son Normal?

J.H. asks from Dallas

My son turn 9 months old on Feb 28th. He is still not saying "mamma or dadda" the only babble he does is rasberries, ahgoo and maybe a few other little sounds. But...


My Son Is Tiny! I'm Feeling Worried About It...

P.M. asks from Denver

My son is 20 months old and only 21 lbs. He's been in the "under third percentile" for weight since he was about 6 months. He's been about 30-50 percentile for height...

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