dermatitis eczema

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Results 71-80 from 450 articles

Eczema Relief

C.S. asks from Columbus

Does anyone know of a natural and safe method for soothing ezcema? I am pregnant with my second child and have really bad ezcema on my hands. I can't use any of the ...


Eczema and Formula

L.P. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone, Just this week,I switched from breastfeeding to formula. My baby has had a little red scaly patch on the side of his head, and his forehead has been v...


Seeking Best Solutions to Treat Eczema in Toddler

D.L. asks from Los Angeles

Our nearly 16-month-old son has recurring bouts of eczema, mostly on this legs, and especially on the front of his ankles. It worsens as it gets hotter outside...lik...


Mom Seeking Help or Remdies for Atomic Eczema

M.S. asks from New York

Hello All, my daughter has been suffering with a very bad case of Atomic eczema since she was 2 years old, she also has allergies. She's now 7 years old and her skin ...


Did Your Baby Received Antibiotic and Developed Severe Eczema & Food Allergies?

N.L. asks from Seattle

My now 13 month old son has severe eczema since 1 month old. He had a course of antibiotic at 1 month and was on antacid for 4 months. i have read several research st...


My Son Is Almost a Year and Has Dry Patches( Eczema.) I Would like Them Gone!

L.D. asks from New York

I would like to get something all natual or very close too for eczema for my son who is almost a year. I want some sort of wash that is gentle on his skin and someth...


What Is Causing My Toddler's Skin Eczema Flare Ups and Hives?

M.E. asks from Boston

About a month ago our 2.5 year old had a significant flare up of eczema (has had small patches appear since he was a baby but never more than one or two quarter size ...


Eczema on 9 Month Old's Face - What Can Help?

C.B. asks from Madison

My little girl has what the doctor told me is eczema on her face. The rash usually is faded by the morning, but by the time I pick her up from daycare in the afternoo...


7 Year Old with Severe Allergies, Asthma, and Eczema

S.A. asks from Lawton

HI To keep it short my 7 year old son has severe allergies, asthma and eczema and has had since birth. We have seen tons of doctors,dermatologists,allergists,even a c...


6 Year Old Daughter with Chronic Ear Eczema

A.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi- My nearly 6 year old daughter has had chronic eczema behind her ear since she was 3 years old. We have tried many approaches to heal it: homeopathy (myself throug...

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