dating single

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Dating After Divorce

S.M. asks from El Paso

I have been divorced for two years. I have two young children. I am ready to start dating again but don't know where to start. Don't seem to be much husband material ...


Dating & Anxiety

J.D. asks from New York

Hello ladies. I have recently been in a constant state of anxiety and need all the advice I can get. So, a little history. I lost my husband to cancer a little over 3...


How Do I Start Dating???

K.H. asks from Houston

Okay I happened finally to meet a guy that I seem to click with very well but I have so many problems with dating. He is very nice and very busy with work I respect t...


Dating Nightmare

R.G. asks from Los Angeles

ok so i have been dating someone off & on for the last year(have known him for a few years). he is a wonderful person with a horrible ex(never married)& 2 kids. I h...


What Are the Rules of Dating ?

S.J. asks from Cincinnati

I'm starting to go on real dates and I just realized... I have no idea what I'm doing. A guy asked me out, that I was really excited about ...and we went out... and...



S.M. asks from Omaha

I am a single mother of 2 (ages 8 & 3) and I have recently reunited with an old love. He and I get along great and we are thinking about living together. So far my ...



B.G. asks from Norfolk

My 11 year old daughter came home from a pool party today saying she is now " going out " with a BOY?!?! I freaked on her. She told me it wasn't serious and I was cal...



J.P. asks from Cleveland

How is it possible to date when I have 2 young children?? I don't have a regular baby sitter, or even an IRregular one for that matter,,. Everywhere I go I have a 1 ...


Single Mother Needs Dating Help

N.L. asks from Austin

I have three year old, female twins. Their father is not involved in their lives at all. I was dating a man for the last year and things did not work out, but now t...


Advice on Single Parenting, Dating and Child's Jealousy

S.G. asks from Oklahoma City

I have a 3 year old d.s. whose father is not a part of his life. I just recently started dating a wonderful man whom my d.s. adores. The problem is that recently when...

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