dairy food

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No Dairy, Eggs, Nuts, Soy, Wheat---so What DO I Eat?

N.N. asks from Greensboro

I've come to the conclusion that the extreme fussiness and gassiness in my son is from food allergies (I've already dealt with the foremilk/hindmilk issue). From pos...


Dairy Allergy?

M.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I am writing because I think that my son might have a milk/egg allergy. He recently started on whole milk and has had horrible rashes, welts, and sore areas ever ...


17-Month-old with Possible Dairy sensitivity/GI Problems

H.H. asks from Philadelphia

Hi, I have a 17-month-old son who has always been a prolific pooper, at least 3-5 times/day. While he was nursing, I found that if I ate dairy his reflux (in the f...


Dairy Intolerance

J.B. asks from Minneapolis

My 1 year old has just been diagnosed with a cows milk intolerance. I've currently got him back on a soy based baby milk formula. Does anyone know if the regular soy ...


Dairy Vs. ?

J.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms- I hope someone can help. My 4 1/2 year old son is allergic to milk. We didn't discover this until a few months ago. He had a tiny bit of blood when he'd wip...


Dairy Products??

M.Q. asks from Hartford

I have a 8 month old girl who loves to eat! She will eat anything except for meat. The flavor and smell is horrendeous! from either gerber or beechnut. I am concerne...


Dairy Free

R.M. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi - my littliest daughter seemes to have a milk/dairy allergy - any info and recipes would be greatly appreciated - she's 10 m.o - thanks


1 Year Old with Soy and Dairy Allergy

E.W. asks from San Francisco

My baby finally turned one and now I don't know what to feed him anymore. He's been on Nutramigen for the last 4 months since I weaned him due to dairy and soy allerg...


Need Soy and Dairy Free Ideas

L.R. asks from Seattle

I am breastfeeding my 2 1/2 month old son and need ideas for soy & dairy free eating.... He's had blood in his stool (we are under the care of a doctor)... Just nee...


Non-dairy Side Dishes?

J.P. asks from Chicago

Hi, moms. My in-laws were supposed to host Thanksgiving, but FIL just broke his hip (and will be home Thursday), so I'm doing all of the sides and appetizers and bri...

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