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Results 31-40 from 701 articles

Potty Training Setbacks

S.F. asks from Fayetteville

I need advice... My three-year-old daughter has been fully potty-trained since she was 33 months old. She even sleeps through the night wearing big girl panties wi...


Potty Training Advice

S.T. asks from Jackson

Hi, I have a 27th month old daughter. I have been trying to potty train for a while using Pull UPs. My husbands cousin suggested that I use regular panties and take...


Withholding Pee & Poop

D.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter just turned 3 and is in pull-ups which I think was my FIRST mistake. We have not really tried to "potty train" but in March she was VERY interested and s...


Potty Training Help

K.L. asks from Des Moines

My daughter will be 3 in November and we have been potty training for quite awhile now. But it just doesn't seem to be taking. She loves sitting on the potty and woul...


Potty Training Issues with #2

J.C. asks from Dallas

My two-year old has been mostly potty trained since April. But not for poop. She has pooped in the toilet a few times and she's excited. Not scared at all. But 99% of...


Seeking Advice for Dealing with My 4 Yr Old's Pickiness About Her Clothes-

K.D. asks from Denver

Hello- I have a 4 yr old little girlthat has always had an opinion about the outfits she wears, but recently it has gotten to the point of daily frustration for me an...


Would You Be Upset If...

M.P. asks from Peoria

a teacher told your child, "You're not really good at reading. You need to practice." And it upset your child. By the way...he is working really hard and does som...


Potty Training an Almost 3 Year Old

L.V. asks from San Diego

My daughter doesn't seem too interested in potty training. She will be 3 dec 30th. We have a sticker book and if she goes in the potty she can get a sticker and if s...


Potty Training

P.W. asks from New York

Where do I begin? I am a mother of two year old twin girls and I would like to begin potty training. I am an Assistant Principal so my time with my daughters is at be...


Potty Training Help!

H.M. asks from Kansas City

We just started potty training my 2 1/2 year old daughter again. She was doing pretty good and then she got sick and we moved so we put it on hold for a while and our...

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