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Results 71-80 from 1,475 articles

Standing in the Crib and Won't Go to Sleep

K.R. asks from San Diego

My just 10 month old son used to lay down in the crib for a nap and fall asleep within about 5 minutes, with a little crying sometimes. Since he learned how to stand ...


Need Advice on Crib Training!!

K.R. asks from San Luis Obispo

Hello Mama's!! I ahve an 8 month old son who has been sleeping with my husband and I since he was born! He still wakes up every 2-3 hours at night to eat (im still b...


Cosleeping 8 Month Old Transition to Crib

L.S. asks from Dallas

Any suggestions from anyone on how to transition an 8 month old to sleep in his crib throughout the night. I just recently started trying to get him to sleep in the ...


HELP! My 8 Week Old HATES His Crib!!

T.W. asks from Tampa

I need some help from the experienced moms out there. My 8 week old son hates his crib. When I say hates, I mean HATES. He can be limp asleep on me or in the swing...


16 Week Old - First Night in the Crib

T.W. asks from Tampa

Some of you may remember me, I was the mom with the 8 week old that hated his crib and I tried everything to get him to like it. Well, I was able to get him to nap a...


My 8 Month Old Won't Sleep in a Crib

A.B. asks from Fort Collins

I need to get my 8 month old daughter sleeping in her crib. I can't stand to let her cry and I don't want to keep everyone in the house up. right now she naps in th...


8 Month Old Too Active in Crib

D.O. asks from New York

Our 8 month old has been crawling since 6 months and is well on her way to walking soon. She's also been sleeping thru the night since she was 3 months old. Lately t...


When Is It Safe to Put a Blanket in My Baby's Crib?

T.C. asks from Nashville

My son is 12 months old and I was wondering when it is safe to start putting a small blanket in his crib. I've been using a sleep sack but he is outgrowing it (and i...


Help with Getting 8 Month Old in Crib

L.C. asks from Birmingham

My husband and I have allowed our 8 month to sleep in bed with us since he got sick at 6 months. I do not sleep good though and want him to go back to the crib for m...


6 Mos Wont Sleep in Crib

L.M. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 6 mos old that since being sick with a very bad cold, will not sleep in her crib. When she was sick we had her sleeping in her carseat so she could be uprigh...

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Answer Highlights

  • put him in his crib and let in 2 answers "Put him in his crib and let him fall asleep on his own."
  • its trial and error in 2 answers "Like others have said it's trial and error and that's is what worked for me and my ..."
  • get herself back down in 2 answers "I had to let her cry it out (by this time she could get herself back down). Thinking ..."
  • sleep in his own bed in 2 answers "My son will sleep in his own bed for awhile and in the middle of the night he comes ..."
  • started putting a blanket in 2 answers "... exactly but I think it was about 1 year when i started putting a blanket ..."