credit loan

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Credit Repair

S.B. asks from Dallas

Has anyone used a credit repair company? I am currently in a place in my life where i can be proactive and i figured that this really couldnt hurt. I do not have cred...


Credit Repair

J.S. asks from Atlanta

Is anyone fimilar with ways to repair credit scores? I made alot of bad decisions as a teen, and now I am paying for it. I have some outstanding celluar debts, and me...


Credit Counseling

B.S. asks from Chicago

Has anyone ever used a credit counseling service? I know there's a non-profit government one and I think that's probably good, but I'd love to hear from people about...


Credit Repair

J.R. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for any information regarding credit repair, I was told that here where I live in CA. there are many companies that can remove deragatory items from your...


Credit Repair

M.P. asks from Albuquerque

We are trying to refinance our house and when I pull my credit scores I am above 620 (Which is the requirement) but when my mortgage lady pulled it she got 605. I am ...


Credit Card

M.W. asks from Boston

Hi Mamas, Can anyone recommend a low interest rate credit card. I haven't had one in years (I do have a debit card). Thanks a bunch and have a great weekend.


Credit Help

M.D. asks from Dallas

Hi, I would like to get any advice or suggestions on how to handle credit problems. Unfortunately, my husband was unemployed for several months, of course that to...


Pay Day Loan?

F.S. asks from Dallas

Anyone ever get a pay day loan? How exactly does it work? The pros/cons? What place did you go to? What do you look for? I see them everywhere so I'm wondering a...


Car Loan and Insurance Questions..

N.E. asks from Honolulu

DH and I would like to buy a new vehicle within the next upcoming months and I had a question about taking out a loan. I have good credit, but I am a SAHM. DH on the ...


VA Loan and Divorce

S.B. asks from Dallas

Here is the situation...My husband at the time and I bought a home with a VA loan (my ex is the veteran). We have since divorced and I got the house in the divorce s...

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