cream colored diarrhea

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Results 41-50 from 57 articles

Child's Stool Very hard...........please Help!!!!!!!!!

J.T. asks from Pensacola

Hello all, I am writing because my 13 1/2 month old daughter's stool is very hard and she screams sooooo bad when she has a bowel movement. She usually has one every...


7 Month Old Wont Eat

K.P. asks from Phoenix

my son is almost 7 months old & very independent already. The problem I am having is he doesnt want to eat Baby food or formula he wants what we are having. This is...


Lactose Intolerance Symptoms

N.S. asks from Panama City

i have 2 months old boy who cry almost every time during feeding or right after. i am only breastfeeding him. when he is crying it seems like he is in great pain, his...


Help! My Son Is Allergic to Eggs, Milk, Soy, Wheat, Yeast, Peanuts, Chocolate...

S.C. asks from Tampa

We just had my son allergy tested today and found out he is allergic to all the things listed above. It's overwhelming! I'm looking for moms with EXPERIENCE with ch...


Acne Cure for 10 Year Old

M.P. asks from Sacramento

Hi, My son is 10-1/2 years old and his forehead is really starting to break out. I've had him washing his face with Noxeima in the shower at night and also using a ...


Pebble-like poop...whats Wrong?

A.G. asks from San Francisco

My two year old daughter has pebble like bowel movements. Aside from being hard to clean, I am sure it can't be comfortable for her. She struggled as an infant and re...


Gettting a Toddler to Drink Milk

L.P. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, my son is 13m and we switched him from a bottle to a sippy cap and from formula to milk. he didn't like whole milk so we put him on 2% which he liked for a week a...


Don't Want to Give up Breast Feeding

R.K. asks from Buffalo

My daughter was recently put on formula after a 2 month battle with screaming and watery sour smelling BM's. Her ped put her on Nutramigen made by enfamil. i had a re...



K.W. asks from Grand Rapids

My daughter has been constipated for probally 3 mos. now, i mean she will go but it is very hard for her bc most of the time the stools are big. She is 2 years old, w...


When to Start 1St Foods

J.H. asks from Minneapolis

HI! Im a new mommy... and my baby boy is soon to be 5 months old in a few days. Ive already been putting rice in his bottles for about a month now. Sometimes 3 times ...

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