cradle cap in 2 year old

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Treatment for Cradle Cap

S. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to treat cradle cap? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! S.


Ideas for Cradle Cap

P.F. asks from Albuquerque

My newborn has cradle cap. Any suggestions? I've heard mineral oil works.


Cradle Cap Removal

H.L. asks from Austin

Hi, I have a 3.5 months old daughter who has tons of cradle cap and it makes her head stink. The problem is she also has ton of hair and her hair is very long too. ...


Suggestions for Treatment of Cradle Cap

M.P. asks from Chicago

My son is about 3 months old. He's had terrible cradle cap since about 2 mo old. We have been putting apricot oil on his scalp about every other day, but doesn't seem...


Cradle Cap Help

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

I took my 9 month old to the dr yesterday and was told that he has swollen lymphnodes from cradle cap. Have any of you heard of this? How do I assist in getting rid o...


Toddler with Cradle Cap?

E.T. asks from Washington DC

My almost 2-year old daughter has had brown patches on her scalp for most of the summer. I thought at first it was from the sun but have now decided that it is proba...


Can't Get Rid of Cradle Cap

C.S. asks from Reno

Hi moms! My daughter is almost 4 months old now and about a months ago she started to get cradle cap, and I can't get rid of it. I have used the baby shampoo, baby ...


Cradle Cap in Adolescent

N.K. asks from Chicago

My nephew is 9 years old and still has cradle cap. They have tried everything to get rid of it but nothing has worked. The doctor said some kids have it through ado...


Cradle Cap at Two Months

C.R. asks from Detroit

Everything I read says to shampoo more frequently [to help resolve mild cradle cap], but my instinct is to do *less* shampooing and let the natural oils on the scalp ...


How Do I Get Rid of Cradle Cap?

R.F. asks from Salt Lake City

I am looking for some advice on how to get rid of cradle cap. I'd love to hear some advice from all you Dr. moms out there. I've got a 3 month old with a seriously ...

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