coughing while pregnant

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Results 21-30 from 527 articles

15 Weeks Pregnant with a Bad Cold

T.M. asks from Jacksonville

I am abt 15 weeks pregnant and have a realyl bad cold. I cannot stop couching. Is there anything i can take?


Pregnant with the Worse Head Cold/ Sinus Infection Ever

A.G. asks from Minneapolis

Hey moms, Im 32 weeks pregnant and have a really nasty head cold/ sinus infection. My doctor is on vacation, and when I went to the pharmacy this morning, the phar...


Is It Dangerous to Attempt to Lose Weight While Pregnant?

S.O. asks from Billings

I'm not attempting to lose weight while pregnant, but I have a friend who seems to be hell-bent on losing weight while pregnant (even though she doesn't actually verb...


Severe Congestion Allergy Problems and Pregnant

E.O. asks from Columbia

I am 7 weeks pregnant and have had severe congestion with allergies for 3 weeks now and have tried a lot of things like nasal rinse, benadryl, occasional sudafed when...


Sick at 37 Weeks Pregnant

R.R. asks from Minneapolis

I am concerned because my sister is 37 almost 38 weeks pregnant. She has been sick for a week and has gotten worse. Coughing, sore throat, weezing and spitting up a b...


HELP!!! Horrible Pain at Top of Uterus. 31 Weeks Pregnant and Sick as a Dog!!!!

J.S. asks from Sacramento

I was wondering if any other pregnant women out there had experienced severe pain at the top of the uterus (think of the area directly below the middle of your boobs)...


Second Week of Sinus Issues - 35 Weeks Pregnant

J.D. asks from Dallas

OK... I'm 35 weeks pregnant, so when this all started a week ago last Thursday, I went to the doctor and got a Zpack... To no avail this stuff has not gone away. It s...


Should I Go to the Hospital If My Tonsils Are Swollen and Coughing?

A.F. asks from Fayetteville

I will be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and have come down with something. As far as I know I don't have a temperature but I can feel what ever it is in my chest and whe...


Nebulizing Baby While Pregnant

K.D. asks from Denver

Does anyone know a good way to nebulize a baby without having to breathe in the medicine? Also, are there good activities to do to help with the last few minutes of ...


34 Weeks Pregnant with Rib Pain

B.C. asks from Denver

Hello ladies...I just hit the 34 week mark and I've got some wicked rib pain on my left side. Nothing triggered it (like coughing) and I know things are shifting aro...

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Answer Highlights

  • saline nasal spray in 2 answers "Either a Neti Pot or saline nasal spray are good ideas too."
  • get a neti pot in 2 answers "Go out to a drug store or health food store and get a neti pot."
  • truly is a sinus infection in 2 answers "I think you can take Tylenol for the fever. If it truly is a sinus infection, you ..."
  • warm salt water in 2 answers "Gargle with warm salt water several times a day."
  • neti pot in 3 answers "get a neti pot and flush your sinus's."