couch cleaner

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Leather Couch - Crayon & Color Pencil Removal....

H.H. asks from Chicago

Just discovered crayon markings on the back of our navy blue leather couch done by our 3 year old. Also have color pencil from a while back but never got around to r...


How Do I Get Pee Smell Out of Couch Cusions?

R.F. asks from Salt Lake City

My daughter had an accident while taking a nap on my couch yesterday and peed all over. I took the cushions off and tried to clean them using a lot of water and soap...


My Couch Smells like Pee - HELP!

M.D. asks from Salt Lake City

I'm in the process of potty training my daughter. She's been doing fairly well, but yesterday she had a huge accident on my couch. I immediately cleaned it with my Bi...


HELP!!! 2 Year Old Drew on the New Couch with a Sharpie!!!

M. asks from Chicago

My freind's son drew on her new couch with a sharpie marker. Does anyone have any ideas for her to get it out?


Aaargghhh!! Fresh Egg Smashed on Couch!

P.B. asks from Spartanburg

Ok so today my adorable blond heir (he's 5) decided to take an egg from the fridge and to smash it on the white fabric couch we have in the living room...yes, the cus...


Just Bought a New Couch, What Do You Know About Microfiber?

R.D. asks from Richmond

I've NEVERRR bought a brand new couch... and now I have. It's the biggest thing I've ever purchased in my entire life (excluding P.O.S. second, third, fourth hand car...


How Clean Should My House Be Before Hiring a House Cleaner???

E.F. asks from Dallas

I've been considering hiring a house cleaner because I just can't keep up with everything. I keep putting it off b/c I feel like I need to clean just to have the hou...


Help with Ink Stain Removal Disaster on Leather Couch

L.G. asks from San Antonio

I tried to remove an ink stain on my leather couch with hairspray and ended up discolouring the couch instead. So now I have an ink mark plus the discolouration. Do y...


How Can I Get Baby Throw up Out of My Micro-suede Couch?

L.G. asks from Austin

my baby has been sick and this morning she threw up all over my face/neck/torso, which happened to be lying on my couch! Any ideas on how to get it clean or get the ...


Smell of Throw up on the Couch Cushions - GERRR-OSSSS!

J.C. asks from Columbus

So I'm sick with a sinus infection and today, my daughter's illness reared it's ugly head as well and she threw up all over the couch. I tried to get to the couch ri...

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Answer Highlights

  • stain and odor remover in 2 answers "The other item is Pet and Urine Stain and Odor Remover."
  • clean magic eraser in 3 answers "Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, get it damp, scrub lightly."
  • bit of dish soap in 2 answers "I put a little bit of dish soap into warm water, take a white hand towel, and just ..."
  • natures miracle in 6 answers "As noted by other mom's ... both vinegar and Nature's Miracle work well... good luck!"
  • some baking soda in 2 answers "The sun has natural bleaching properties, so after washing with some baking soda and ..."