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Results 71-80 from 132 articles

Is It Too Early to Begin Preschool? (First Time Mom Unsure)

K.P. asks from Seattle

Alot of my friends have been enrolling their kiddo's in preschool the last few weeks and its really got me thinking.... My little one is 20mo this month and Im not ev...


School Choice

A.C. asks from Memphis

Hi moms, need some advice and opinions on what you would do. My husband and I are trying to decide which school to send our daughter to next year. We are looking at...


Date Night with Hubby

J.C. asks from Lincoln

My hubby and I have been married for 13 1/2 years and we have 5 boys. That being the case we definitely need "date night". We don't do it every week, but we try at le...


What Do You Think About Home-schooling?

D.C. asks from Roanoke

I was just wondering what the other moms out there thought about home schooling. Are you home schooling your child? Is there programs around the area for home schoole...


7 Year Old Seems "Immature"

M.H. asks from St. Louis

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this issue... I have an almost 7 year old son (bday in november) and he seems very "immature" for his age. Now, I realize ...


Needing Advice on Dealing with Issues Between Step-children

A.L. asks from Las Vegas

First, a little background info: I have a 15 1/2 year old step-daughter. I have a 15 1/2 year old daughter also. My husband has adopted my 15 1/2 year old, so he i...


Homeschooling Question...

H.D. asks from Dallas

Hi, I'm living in a state now that is definitely PRO homeschooling as I see stores geared towards it, stores advertise themselves as a good place for homeschool da...


Teen Hell.

K.H. asks from Columbus

My daughter is 15 and has always been one of those kids who is really mature and smart for her age. It caused a lot of problems because while other kids didn't want t...


My College Daughter Do Not Have Any Friends

A.S. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is a college junior and she does not have any friends. She is an introvert but feels bad that she cannot make friends. She says no one is interested in h...


Can Twins Be Too Close?

B.C. asks from Minneapolis

My identical twin daughters are 6 years old. They attended preschool and kindergarten together and now we have split them up for first grade. They have always been ...

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