christmas postcards

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Results 51-60 from 69 articles

Creative Ideas NEEDED

M.M. asks from Detroit

Hello creative moms! Looking for some ideas if you have any….my soon to be 4 year old is having a "fun" week at pre-school next week and there are two days I am st...


How Often Do You Purchase School Pictures?

P.G. asks from Dallas

First daycare, then school - 2 times per year they do the kid photos. The packages are reasonably priced, but I just wonder if I'm a "bad" mom if I don't go "Oh yay, ...


No Grandma's

B.J. asks from Providence

Hi everyone. Im a proud Mom of three wonderful children two boys 11 and 9 and a little angel shes 3. I lost my Mother the day after xmas 2004 and my motherinlaw past ...


Back Luck in Everything I Do

P.T. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, just need to vent a little and perhaps someone out there can relate to me in some way. I decided to go into jewelry show business and it seems that everythi...


Who Do You Upload Your Digital Pictures Too?

K.K. asks from Dallas

I have been using Yahoo to upload our digital pictures to so family can view and or order prints. We ordered some from Yahoo and I was not impressed with the quality....


Attention Organized People!!! Need Helo!

M.B. asks from Eugene

My house is so cluttered with so many things. I'm working this summer to get it less cluttered and easier to manage. I go into friend's houses and it's so peaceful wh...


Car Seat on Plane?

G.E. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! My husband and I are taking our 3 year old son to Disney World in a couple of days and this will be his first time on an airplane. Can anyone tell me if I ...


Is This Even Legal??? (Warning, May Be Upsetting to Some)

S.L. asks from San Francisco

Well I know I value your advice, ladies, when I turn to you BEFORE calling my mom! Any input is appreciated. Last night my husband and I were having dinner at our ...


3 Year Old Misses Her Daddy While He Is Working Away from Home

K.G. asks from San Diego

Hi Mothers, My 3 year old daughter loves her daddy to death and they are until recently unseperable. Four months ago, he took a job about 3 hours away. He had to r...


Living Far Away from Extended Family...

R.C. asks from Indianapolis

My husband and I have four great kids and they have over 50 cousins and lots of aunts and uncles. He and I are very close emotionally to our parents and siblings, but...

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