christmas crafts for adults to make

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Results 31-40 from 353 articles

Christmas Gift Ideas for Extended Family

B.H. asks from Pocatello

Yes, I know it's July, but we're trying to plan way ahead this year for Christmas gifts for both sides of our family. We have a large group on both sides (adults and ...


Christmas Presents for 12 Yr Old

L.M. asks from Phoenix

I have a 12 yr old foster child who has been diagnosed with being selectively mute. She does not talk so I have no clue on what to get her for Christmas. I wanted to ...


Need Creative Ideas for Christmas Gifts......................

J.S. asks from Tampa

Ok, I as asking you all for some creative ideas for Christmas gifts this year. I am hoping to do things a little differently this year, and to really focus on family...


The In-laws Are Coming for Christmas

K.G. asks from Portland

I just found out that my in-laws are coming to my house for Christmas. I had asked my husband to see if people would be interested and apparently that translated int...


Snack/finger Food Suggestions for Kids Christmas Party

T.C. asks from Nashville

I am hosting a Kids Christmas Project, where kids can come and make a present for a parent, grandparent, etc. Other than cookies and chips, does anyone have cute, yum...


Christmas Party Ideas for Parents and Kids

M.L. asks from Wichita

I am thinking about having a Christmas party and inviting parents and children. The children range from age 2-6. I would love some suggestions for how to have a fun, ...


Christmas Birthday

J.J. asks from Houston

My daughters bday is in June, and my girlfriends daughters bday is in December. She asked me today what she should do for the party. We all know that the first bdays ...


Frugal Christmas

M.S. asks from Birmingham

Hi mama's. Just wondering if anyone has any great tips, or gift ideas for this season. I have 13 nieces & nephews to get plus my own kids. (unfortunatly they won't...


Frugal Christmas

M.S. asks from Chicago

Wondering what people are doing this year to save on gift spending. Do you have special stores or gifts that are awesome deals and you'd like to share? I have 13 ni...


Son Will Be 3 on Christmas EVE!

M.K. asks from Indianapolis

Hello Friends~ My son will be 3 on Christmas Eve. We have always tried to go all out the last 2 years on his birthday. We want to always make it as special as poss...

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Answer Highlights

  • dollars 5 gift card in 4 answers "... parents and see if they have an MP3 player and if so give them a $5 gift card ..."
  • your nieces and nephews in 3 answers "If you cannot afford to buy for your nieces and nephews, then I would just tell the ..."
  • onto wax paper in 2 answers "Then, dump mixture onto wax paper and let it set for about 10 minutes (the chocolate ..."
  • tell your mother in law in 2 answers "... most of the day (my daughter was only 4 weeks old) Tell your mother-in-law ..."
  • 10 nieces and nephews in 2 answers "... years, to make Christmas more budget-friendly (we have 10 nieces & nephews ..."