chinese old wives tale

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Results 41-50 from 53 articles

Boy or Girl?

D.Y. asks from Los Angeles

Hi moms - I have heard about certain tests that allow you to ascertain the sex of the baby prior to the 20-week sonogram. One internet-based company, for instance...


Who Baby Looks Like

B.S. asks from Los Angeles

I hear lots of stories of baby girls looking like their daddys. people tell me i look exactly like my dad. i was wondering is it usually true? do baby girls usually l...


Questions Regardin an Unplanned C-section...

W.A. asks from Honolulu

Hi all, I just found out last week that my baby is in a breech postion and I will be having a C-section. I am very freaked out by it and down right scared. I planned ...


Beer Increasing Milk Production

A.A. asks from Columbus

I have heard that drinking a beer will help boost breast milk production. Does anyone have any experience with this, and does the beer have any effect on the milk?


Trying to Conceive a Baby Boy

D.G. asks from Charleston

Hello Mommies, I have three beautiful girls and I love them dearly. My husband and I have decided to have another child. He and I would love for our last baby to b...


Having Trouble Concieving

B.B. asks from Philadelphia

My husband and I have been trying for 4 months to get pregnant, and no luck! Every month when I get my period, I feel so frustrated. Does anyone have any suggestions ...


Having Problems Conceiving Our 2Nd Child

L.M. asks from Dallas

We have been trying for several months to conceive our 2nd child. We had NO PROBLEMS doing this with our 1st child. My OBGYN wants us to try for 1 year before we se...


Feeling Unappreciated and Ignored

T.H. asks from New York

Yesterday was a snow day in our area, my husband was stuck at work so I went out and did the shoveling of the snow, which in fact I am paying for today, my whole body...


Grandma Suggests Vicks VapoRub for Child's Cough - Make Any Sense?

P.C. asks from Portland

Perhaps folks could give their personal experience on a question of medicine - or mythology. My mother tells me that I should apply Vicks VapoRub to my child's sol...


Ideas Needed

R.J. asks from Phoenix

My daughter is eating table foods and I am needing someone elses creative input. What types of foods did you feed your child? I give her eggs, ham, small pancakes, ...

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