children with autism

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Autism and Diet

M.B. asks from Washington DC

I have a friend who has a 2 1/2 year old son who was diagnosed with autism fairly quickly in life (before he turned 2). i am pretty close to her and her family, so I'...


Autism Diagnosis

J.S. asks from Hartford

Has anyone had a child diagnosed with autism to later be a MISdiagnosis? My son was diagnosed right after he turned 2. They picked apart everything they could for 4...


Autism and the Army

L.O. asks from San Antonio

I was wondering if any mothers out there who are military mommies can tell me anything about having a child with autism while being in the military. My DH is joinin...


Autism Spectrum

C. asks from Chicago

My son was just diagnosed by the school as being on the autism spectrum. He is five and very intelligent. He has problems with making eye contact and participating in...


Signs of Autism ?

N.H. asks from San Diego

Hi moms i was wondering if anyone knew some signs of autism... i know there is a wide verity and every child is different but i want to make sure i know if i see it. ...


Support for Autism

H.P. asks from Portland

Hi My neighbor, and great friend, has a 4 year old son who does not talk or really interact with orhter kids or his parents. He has been "worked up" for almost 2 ye...


Autism & Genetics

O.L. asks from Los Angeles

This is a question for all of the parents out there who have a child who is on the spectrum. When he/she was diagnosed, were you offered genetic testing to see if the...


New to Autism

N.B. asks from Austin

My daughter has recently been diagnosed by her pedia with a mild form of Autism. This does explain all of the developmental delays I have been experiencing with her. ...


Autism or Hyperacusis?

M.B. asks from San Antonio

after recieving feedback from one of the mom's, I have been looking into hyper sensory defecit disorder and came across hyperacusis.basically,intolerance of some loud...


Autism?? How Do We Deal with This?

K.L. asks from Los Angeles

My son Gavin is 3 and was diagnosed with Autism a few weeks ago. we have now realized a lot of the "naughty behaviors" he had are out of his control. I have read webs...

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