children foster care

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Mom Looking for an in Home Day Care Provider

J. asks from Dallas

Day care is SSOOO expensive these days. I'm new to McKinney and don't have a networking system. I'm looking for a trust worthy and loving individual that looks afte...


Judged by How Many Children You Have?

C.S. asks from Dayton

Hi, I am a 27 year old proud mother of four children. My oldest son is 7, boy/girl twins 5 and a 9 month old son. They are very happy, healthy children who always are...


My Mother Can't Accept My Step Children

G.K. asks from Topeka

I am 2 time divorced mother of 2 children. My fiancee also has 2 children. My mother and grandmother are the only ones who just can not accept them as their own. Sund...


Best Small Puppy for Children

J.B. asks from Philadelphia

My children want a puppy. I grew up with golden retrievers and love their personality, but would prefer a smaller, less hyper puppy. We are thinking of a cavalier k...


How Do I Get My Children to Listen to Me

C.O. asks from Nashville

Every time I tell my girls to do something they never do it the first time. I have to tell them over and over again. Sometimes they just look at me and other times th...


Pictures of Children at Daycare or School

M.P. asks from Minneapolis

my daughter goes to a pre-school, that likes to take pictures of what the kids are doing, and mass emails them to all the parents on a group email. When we pre-regist...


Disciplining My Child While Caring for Other Children.

K.C. asks from Medford

I could use some help with a situation that I am facing right now. I am a nanny for three toddlers and have a 5 year old son. My son is an only child and obviously ...


Want More Children but My Husband Has Had a Vasectomy??

L.R. asks from Des Moines

Hi Ladies, alright this is a tough one! I have had 2 children, 2 natural births...1 very difficult first birth that left me with long term prolapse issues, my sec...


Seeking ANY Advice About Children's Migraines!

J.I. asks from San Francisco

My daughter, age 9, has had three migraines in the past six weeks. Her doctor has offered little advice...only for us to keep a journal of them and give Advil. Does a...


When Do You Know You Are Absolutely Done with Having Children?

C.S. asks from Washington DC

I am beginning to get the desire to get pregnant again. I have a toddler and two school aged children. Does the feeling to have just one more child ever go away for ...

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