chicken casserole

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Casserole for a New Mom

J.B. asks from Fort Myers

I am looking for some quick and easy casseroles to make for my friend who just had her first baby. She is breastfeeding so nothing with spice or vegetables that coul...


Any Great Casserole Receipes?

M.C. asks from Dallas

I have a couple of friends that just had babies. I'd like to make casseroles for them. Does anyone have any easy, quick favorite receipes?


Leftovers...chicken & rice...can You Give Me Some Ideas?

C.O. asks from Washington DC

I have leftovers. I don't like food to go to waste so I was thinking (gasp!) to make some chicken and rice soup. I've made chicken noodle soup out the wazoo - but I'v...


Looking for Suggestions on Rotisserie Chicken Dipping Sauce/dressing

N.K. asks from Miami

Hello all! I like purchasing ready-made rotisserie chickens from the local grocery store (Whole Foods, Fresh Market, etc.), because they are quite healthy, low in cal...


Full Rotisery (Sp?) Chicken - Got Idea's?

C.Z. asks from Omaha

I have a full rotisery chicken that NEEDS to get used tonight. I dont want it plain so what can I do Mama's. I can run to the store to pick things up if nessisary. ...


Baked Chicken drumsticks...frosted Flakes?

M.I. asks from Albuquerque

Ok, so I have a package of chicken drums and I want to make some crispy chicken without having to fry it. Most recipes call for corn flakes but I only have frosted f...


Quick a Really Yummy Chicken Recipe

S.S. asks from Chicago

ok so I have 3 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts to make for dinner. want something yummy but not the same old same old covered in cream soup w/rice stuff. a...


Creamy Potatoe Soup & Chicken Recipes

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

I'm craving a creamy chicken dish with carrots and potatoes. I have a can of Campbell's Creamy Potatoe Soup that I would like to use as an ingredient. Do any of you m...


Need Ideas for Left over Roasted Chicken

E.M. asks from Chicago

I roasted 2 whole chickens today, with the intention that my carnivorous husband would eat most of one and I'd use the second for an amazing Asian Noodle Soup recipe ...


New & Interesting Ideas for Leftover Roasted Chicken

S.T. asks from New York

So last night I roasted 2 chickens since one is rarely enough and everyone wants their own drumstick & wing. My husabnd got home late, and the kids ate very light la...

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