causes depression

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Teen Trouble

J.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

I have an almost 14 year old who is overall a good girl, but suffers from depression and anxiety. We struggle, however, with the way she wants to dress. I am fine wit...


For Other Non BC Moms...

B.S. asks from Portland

*edit* I am NOT asking if you think *i* should have more kids. LOL :) *I * don't want more kids right now...that would be nuts. But God is in control and I know tha...


Looking for Natural Remedies for ADD

S.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi, My friend has an 8 year old son exhibiting symptoms of ADD (primarily trouble focusing). Of course the docs are recommending Ritalin, but she would like to find ...


How Can I Help My Husband?

E.M. asks from San Antonio

My husband and I have been married for 8 yrs now. He is a wonderful man and an excellent father......But here lately he has been acting weird. Every weekend he just...


Lovely, Bright, Popular 13 Yr. Old Tells Me She's Suffering....

L.M. asks from Sacramento

... from depression. I do feel honored and good that she's confiding in me, but so sad for her, too. She's confided that she's cut herself in the past and did it a...


Post Partum Dep and Attachment Parenting

A.J. asks from Memphis

Wondering if anyone had worse post partum depression because of attachment parenting? I feel like I am so much more stressed and have break downs often when I am face...



A.W. asks from St. Joseph

Although you ladies gave me many wonderful things to try to avoid medication for depression, they only seemed to work temporarily. My doctor wants to put me on Lexap...


Anxiety Issues

V.W. asks from Yakima

I suffer from depression and anxiety and am being treated unsuccessfully with meds and counseling. Lately I am anxious all the time, most of the time I can't leave t...


Has Anyone Had Experience of an 11 Year Old Girl Using Seroquel Medication?

A.C. asks from Boston

My daughter has been on an SSRI for anxiety and depression for 2 months now, but still is having disturbing auditory hallucinations (voices). She was prescribed Sero...


When Medications Dont Help

M.A. asks from Dallas

does anyone know if there is any natural remedies for depression and anxiety? long story short, i took meds from fifteen to twenty and gave up on them. they worked f...

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