career schools

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Results 41-50 from 1,679 articles

Public Schools and Grading Rubric?

M.J. asks from Austin

Hey everyone, I have a 13 yr old daughter who I have been trying to teach consistency and good study habits for the last few years. However, she doesn't feel she nee...


Career Christmas Gifts

N.N. asks from Detroit

Hello Mama's One child is saying she would like to be an Investigator & have a career in forensic science age 13, which microscope is the best IYO? What gifts id...


Pros or Cons of Montessori Schools

M.T. asks from Pittsburgh

We're looking into a Montessori School for my daughter. I've been doing a lot of reading about them and visited one. I love their concept, but they are so expensive...


Moving and Switching schools...again??

S.M. asks from Dallas

Since my son has been in school starting with Pre-K we have had to move and switch schools 3 times already and he is only 7 1/2. I think that's a lot to have to move ...


Should Foreign Language Be Required in Schools?

K.U. asks from Washington DC

these days do you think a child should need to know spanish specifically to function as an adult in the workplace? I personally took french in high school. but al...


New Career at 43?

J.F. asks from Colorado Springs

Hi Mamas, you are always so helpful, I thought I'd put this out there, because I'm having a hard time with this, and it's scaring me a bit. I find myself, at 43, with...


Future Career Question

L.P. asks from San Francisco

I'm really torn here and not sure where to go with this question. I am a mom to a 2 year old with a BA in something pretty useless. I enjoy where I work but it has no...


Want a Career Change

L.H. asks from Dallas

I need advice. I am in the hotel business right now, and I like my job. However, it is not rewarding in the least - either financially or spiritually. I really, reall...


Montessori Schools

J.C. asks from Phoenix

I'm considering putting my 2 and a half year old son in a Montessori preschool in the fall, however it is pricey (about $4000 a year) and was wondering if anyone has ...


Best High Schools in Las Vegas? Elementary?

S.M. asks from Las Vegas

Our family will be moving soon and I am looking to move to an area close to where my daughter will attend high school and son in elementary, I plan on moving permanen...

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