cancer insurance

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Results 131-140 from 1,848 articles

Advice on Changing Doctor

P.B. asks from Houston

I recently had cancer. I was treated at MD Anderson and am doing great. I now have 3 month follow-ups. The problem is that I really don't like this doctor. His of...


Elective Mastectomies. Please Help Me Weigh This Descicion

J.C. asks from Columbus

I feel like a ticking time bomb. Every month I think about breast cancer. Every month I do my breast exams and wonder if this is the month I find a lump. My grandmo...


Q For Any Military Reservist Mamas

T.S. asks from Seattle

Do any of you use the tricare reserve select insurance? If so, do you like it. My husband will be joining the reserves in March and I am contempating changing my da...


How Do I Help My Husband?

J.M. asks from Dallas

My MIL had ovarian cancer in 1990 and had her left ovary removed. 2 months ago, we found out that the cancer was back and had metasised in her lungs. There are 2 la...


Help with Caring for My Dying Dad

K.A. asks from San Francisco

Three months ago I moved my Dad in with us as he is dying of cancer and could no longer live alone. I am somewhat familiar with this as I cared for my mom when she pa...


Urologist. :(

B.P. asks from Cleveland

I have to go to a urologist friday i am kinda nervious about it. i just got insurance in june and i went to get a physical and they found small amounts of blood in my...


Seeking Help for Husband with Psoriasis

S.T. asks from Dallas

My husband has Psoriasis and it continues to get worse all the time. We have tried a lot of natural alternatives with no success. On the other hand we are not ready...


Thyroid Nodules

S.H. asks from Dallas

Has anyone here ever had nodules on their thyroid? I just had a biopsy done at Baylor downtown on two thyroid nodules yesterday. I won't get the results back for 4-...


Breast Lump

G.B. asks from Boise

If there is a quarter sized lump in the breast, do they still do a mamo? Im assuming not. What do they do after that? I put a small hair pick in my bra and it would ...


Is My Worrying Too Extreme?

S.H. asks from Madison

While growing up, I remember my mom saying “Just wait until you’re a parent and you will understand why I worry about you so much!”. Well, now I am a parent, ...

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