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Results 41-50 from 56 articles

Insect Repellant

A.F. asks from Burlington

Although this winter seems to be dragging on forever, I am starting to look forward to and prepare for summer. I have a 6 month old daughter and I am wondering about...


All Day, Not Morning Sickness!

A.E. asks from Redding

I feel nauseated ALL the time. I have a 19 month old daughter and it was never like this the first time around. I've tried toast, limiting spices, etc. Nothing makes ...


Morning Sickness

E.G. asks from Canton

I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and MISERABLE! The "morning" sickness has slowly been kicking in for the last week or so. I don't have morning sickness so much as I have...


Miserable in Pregnancy

K.L. asks from Seattle

I am 5 weeks pregnant and I am having the worst time of my life. I just can't deal with the vomiting and nausea. My esophagus feels so aggravated due to frequent vo...


Severe Sickness in Second!

M.M. asks from Springfield

This is my second pregnancy, and I'm 8 weeks along today. It seems like the moment I found out, I started getting sick. I was very ill throughout my last pregnancy,...


How Are You Dealing with Aging?

K.S. asks from Denver

Hi ladies, hoping for a little perspective and curious what you all think. I watch the Real Housewives (ok, not proud!) and see people like Demi Moore and think how s...


Newly Pregnant and Sooooo Nauseous. Please Help!

T.P. asks from San Francisco

Hello. I am 6 weeks pregnant with my second child and have such bad nausea and food aversions that I'm having trouble being at work and eating or drinking anything at...


Dealing with Morning Sickness...

K.M. asks from Amarillo

I am seven weeks pregnant with my first child and am struggling with morning sickness...or actually ALL DAY sickness. My husband and I are waiting to tell our famili...


HELP, Advice Needed Please! (Step-mother to One 10 Yr Old Daughter)

C.C. asks from New York

My husband and I have our step-daughter every other weekend. It was supposed to be her spending Friday night here thru Sunday but it never panned out that way. (Not ...


How Can I Deal with This Horrible Morning Sickness?

N.E. asks from Dallas

Does anybody know how to ease morning sickness? Rolaids, salty snacks and crackers, iced water, 7up, lemon... you name it! Nothing works! I feel sick all the time....

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