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Results 51-60 from 998 articles

Stocking Up

A.F. asks from San Francisco

Not hoarding! My husband is anticipating a job change in January and money could be tight for awhile (2-3 months). We are working on getting more than normal into sav...


CRISIS TIME, Let's Share Tips and Ideas About How to save Money and Go Green

E.A. asks from Dallas

Let's share tips and ideas about how to save money during this crisis time; nobody knows where the gas situation is going, so we better be creatives in order to save ...


Need to Spend Less on Groceries

T.R. asks from New York

I have a family of 4 with 2 children. I make a meal plan for 1 week....what I will make for each day and of course, write all indgredients down on the grocery list. ...


Extreme Couponing-What Am I Missing...

C.S. asks from Milwaukee

Ok Mamas- I'm a big fan of coupons and the sales flyer..and my new favorite guilty pleasure is "EXTREME COUPONING" on TLC. I don't have the time to get as int...


Highschool Supplies - Whats "In" ?

W.H. asks from Sacramento

my son is starting highschool next week and i have no idea what kids use these days for binders, lunch pails, etc.! are tri-fold (the good ol' trapper/keeper) binders...


Homemade Hot Chocolate Recipes

J.K. asks from Milwaukee

Hello ladies! Would you be willing to share your homemade hot chocolate recipes? I'm thinking of making hot chocolate mix this year for Christmas gifts. Bulk recip...


Freezable Casserole Recipes

M.B. asks from Dallas

Anyone have a any ideas for simple, freezable casserole recipes? I'm thinking of doing some bulk cooking for next month and there's so much to look for on the interne...


When Do You Teach Kids How to Wipe?

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son is almost 3 and starting to poop sporadically in the toilet. As of now, he tells us when he's done and my husband and I just wipe him. At what age do you tea...


Money Saving Ideas?????

M.R. asks from San Francisco

Hi there ladies, I came here because you always seem to have great ideas, ideas that other overwhelmed moms can't think of because of everything else going on in lif...


Help with Grocery Budget

J.C. asks from Detroit

I would like to try and trim down the amount we spend on groceries per month. Right now we spend about $500 per month on groceries. This doesn't include non-food it...

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