buttermilk orange

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Results 61-70 from 80 articles

Gluten and Other Food Allergies - How to Find Foods Ok to Eat

T.T. asks from Portland

My 18 yr old daughter Kaitlin has some issues that her doctor believes may be caused by a food allergy. She is doing lab work, which can take a few weeks to come back...


High Fiber Foods Recommendations & Recipes

C.S. asks from San Francisco

My husband's doctor is suggesting he increase his fiber intake, and I am looking for some food suggestions and or recipes to help him. We already eat whole wheat/grai...


Can Toddlers Have Low Blood Sugar?

E.H. asks from Provo

My son is 2.5 yrs old. I think he has something wrong, but am not sure what. When he doesn't eat, he becomes completely unhinged, screaming, throwing fits, hitting,...


Stuck in a Rut

A.H. asks from Honolulu

I am trying to lose about 50 to 60 pounds, and am having no luck... I walk about 2 and a half miles each day... I try to watch what I eat, but have a problem staying ...



C.H. asks from Sumter

I'd like to know if there are any other moms out there that suffer from eczema, and if so what kind of soaps, lotions and moisturizers do you use that doesn't break y...


Need Advice for Teenage Son with Acne

J.S. asks from Seattle

Hi everyone. My 13 year old son has a bad case of acne. We've tried Stridex Max (it supposedly has the same ingredients as ProActive) and several other over the cou...


Hot Hot Hot

R.M. asks from Sacramento

It's so hot outside!!! So, I am looking for COOL recipes. We love Taco Salad, Potato Salad and Coleslaw for our summer meals. Can anyone recommend some pasta sala...


Need Help Finding Foods I Can Eat!

A.M. asks from Montgomery

At my daughter's 2 month check up today we found out that not only is she allergic to cow's milk protein but is allergic to soy as well. Ava's specialist is really s...


Need Recipe for Christmas Morning Breakfast

A.C. asks from San Francisco

I am looking for a good recipe to make for Christmas morning breakfast. I want the morning to be relaxing for everyone, so I would like to make some sort of egg casse...


My 13 Month Old Is Losing Weight

J.B. asks from Lancaster

Hello I took my daughter to the Doctor for her check up and she is now 18 pounds. The doctor said I need to feed her more protein. Does anyone know how much protein a...

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