business cards online

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Results 41-50 from 1,328 articles

Small Business Credit Card Recommendation

J.P. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have a small business credit card that they are happy using? I have recently set up my website and my business is growing. I don't travel for my job, but ...


Yu-gi-oh Cards and 18 Yr Old

M.6. asks from New York

Our son will be 18 in 2 weeks. He has fetal alcohol syndrome, mild developmentally delayed, severe ADHD combined type, schizophrenia, and is on the spectrum (PDD-NOS...


Desperate Mom Needs Business Help!!!

L.D. asks from Boca Raton

Dear moms, This request is for other moms who own their own business, preferably an online business. I desperately need your advice. I'm a stay-at-home mom to a...


Advice Needed for Minimizing Small Business Debt

M.D. asks from St. Louis

I left the corporate world and decided to make my own job after my whole department was laid off. I worked in Aviation for nearly 15 years. I seemed to be lucky eno...


Need Help Naming My business...any Suggestions? TIA

S.H. asks from Dallas

Hi, ladies! I just bought a dress-up party business from someone out of town. I did a search online and found that there is already a similar business with a VERY s...


Need Banking Advice for Our Business - McKinney

J.E. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas! I always get great responses here and I'd love your help once again. My husband and I have started a business and need to set up a business checking acc...


What's the Best Way to Advertise New Business

K.F. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms- You have all always been so helpful before so here's another question. Other than the odvious (newspapers, yellow pages, a website etc.) What are some oth...


SAHM Starting New Little Business from Home

B.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Mamas! I am a SAHM of 3 , (6/3/1) and my husband works very hard to provide for us. I'm always thinking of ways I could help out financially but still stay home...


Is It Me or Is Online Bill Paying Harder than Writing Checks?

A.J. asks from Williamsport

After years of procrastination and intimidation I finally set up our bills to be paid online-the ones that could be anyway. The first few months were rocky but I f...


Seeking Inexpensive Birth Announcements - Local or Online

A.M. asks from Norfolk

I have been searching for reasonably priced birth announcements and have had no luck finding any that cost less than $1.25 PER CARD. This is our fourth child, born De...

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Answer Highlights

  • log into your bank in 2 answers "You can log into your bank account online and pay them all right there."
  • set up auto pay in 2 answers "All our credit cards are set up auto pay balance but we never use them anyway."
  • log onto my credit in 2 answers "I log onto my credit union's site, set them all up to go out every month and then ..."
  • your credit score in 4 answers "IF you are not behind on payments yet and your credit score is still decent, consider ..."
  • credit card machines in 2 answers "... things you will need, I am not sure because we don't use credit card machines ..."